Movies That Make You Go Huh? #6

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Welcome again to the series that keeps on giving. This time around we have some exciting fantasy movies that are so over the top, you will be entertained. The action is so top notch that it should’ve won an Academy Award. The acting is so well done that it will make you cry tears of joy. Don’t get me started on the storyline. Have fun with the next round of these awful films.

Conan the Barbarian (2011)

Via: Lionsgate

This movie tries and fails miserably at trying to be better than the original. Actually, this movie doesn’t even need to be mention in the same breath as the original. There is a scene in the original Conan movie where a warlord asks, “Conan! What is best in life?” to which Conan responds, “To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you and to hear the lamentations of their women.” Well I have a question, “Audience! What feeling does this movie give?” The respond is, “My brain turned to mush, it is not entertaining and to cry out in pain from the stupidity.”

King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (2017)

Via: Warner Bros. Pictures

Oooooh! Here we are again with another version of King Arthur and his legendary sword, Excalibur. This time around, we have the one and only Guy Ritchie directing this film. Let me tell you, I wasn’t expecting anything like this. It’s one thing to take a story and add a few twists to it, but this time, Ritchie pretty much said, “Fuck It! I am going ALL out with some of the craziest shit you have seen, and it will make so much little sense that you won’t care because I am going to throw every crazy thing at you.”

Pan (2015)

Via: Warner Bros. Pictures

How many versions of Peter Pan are we going to get in this world? There seem to be so many versions of Peter Pan that I have lost count by now. In 2015, we are introduced to another version of Peter Pan called Pan. This version doesn’t fly, have magical pixie dust or lost boys. This film was the unwanted origin story of Peter Pan that should’ve stayed on Neverland and never seen the light of day.

The Three Musketeers (2011)

Via: E1 Entertainment

There have been so many adaptations of Alexandre Dumas, The Three Musketeers that I am starting to lose count of them. Sometimes there are films that don’t need to be made and this one is definitely one of them. For all the action and excitement, this film really doesn’t make any sense and it is based off a well-known book. This film is definitely not all for one and one for all.

Robin Hood (2018)

Via: Lionsgate

There are so many films about Robin Hood that you can probably watch one everyday for a month. Well, the 2018 version tries to be this over the top, slow motion action flick that fails so bad that you might as well give all your funds back to the rich. It is a bore fest for two hours where the plot is all over the place, the actors seem to try too hard, and the action is laughable.

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