Movies That Make You Go Huh Horror #12

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Here we go again! You know you love awful horror movies. Do I have a batch for you this time around and I know you are really excited. We have movies where you should scream, another version of the Ring series, playing around with a spirit board and seeing the Creeper again. Might as well strap in and get ready to have your eyes melt with these horrible horror movies.

Dead Silence (2007)

Via: Universal Pictures

What do you get when you have a ventriloquist, who was humiliated by a kid, kills the kid, gets hanged, comes back as an evil spirit that rips people tongues out? You get Dead Silence, a film that shouldn’t have been made nor uttered one simple word. The film has zero scares, bad dialogue and a creepy ass doll that would make you want to throw it in the ocean. Don’t speak or you might have your tongue ripped out.

Rings (2017)

Via: Paramount Pictures

The first Ring film was great. I was entertained. The second Ring film fell off flat but Rings was a flat out disaster. I would rather watch the tape and try to figure out what to do in 7 days than watch this film again. What the hell was this shit?!?! Samara just take me now then watching this film all over again. I couldn’t believe I sat through this.

Hannibal Rising (2007)

Via: The Weinstein Company/MGM

When Hannibal Lecter graced the screen in The Silence of the Lambs, he was iconic, spine-tingling and one of the villains that will live on forever. In Hannibal Rising, he was reduced to a character that didn’t even resemble what he was. We see the evolution of him going from Nazi killer to serial killer but it falls flat on arrival. Take me back to the old Lecter with Anthony Hopkins rather than this dull film.

Ouija (2014)

Via: Universal Pictures

If you have a Ouija board at the house, please use it rather than watch this film. This film is the abyss of watching a film. When a friend dies while using a Ouija board, her friends try to make contact only for them to see a malevolent spirit. This film was a waste of time with ZERO scares. If your Ouija board moves on its own, you will have more entertainment than this shit.

Jeepers Creepers 2 (2003)

Via: United Artists/MGM

Jeepers Creeper was pretty good and set a new monster upon the world. With most horror movies that were financial successes, that means you get a sequel. This time, the Creeper attacks a bus full of high school athletes. Let’s just say that you are better off watching your toenails grow because this film is bad. Boring action, no frights and terrible dialogue. Go away for your 26 or 27 years and when you decide to come back, do the process again of not waking.

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