Movies That Make You Go Huh? Horror #5

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Sorority Row (2009)

Via: Summit Entertainment

After watching Sorority Row, I don’t know what’s worse, having girls mess up literally everything over a prank or watching this dumb ass horror movie. This film was a complete and utter MESS. It was so bad that anyone who watches it might laugh or cringe at the plot or characters. Why wouldn’t you call the police when someone is killed? Actually, why didn’t you dump your cheating boyfriend? Stoopid people do stoopid things and every one of these girls was stoopid. The beginning makes you strap in for a dumb ass ride that no horror fan should go on.

Winchester (2019)

Via: Lionsgate

A movie about the Winchester estate, which has a crazy history behind it. Winchester is one of the most boring horror movies I have seen in a while. I honestly do not have anything good to say about this film because it is a standard horror movie with few scares and a very low storyline. You can honestly point out many similarities between several horror movies where the main character, who has many personal issues, goes into a haunted house and then becomes a believer while resolving any issue they have

Red Riding Hood (2011)

Via: Warner Bros Pictures

“Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?” Not the wolf in this film. What the freak was going through people’s minds when they decided to make this pathetic, worthless, waste of all the time in the world version of Red Riding Hood. How the hell do you mess up a folk tale like Little Red Riding Hood? People should be ashamed of themselves for making this.

The Roommate (2011)

Via: Screen Gem

My first college roommate was awful. After watching this film, it would be a toss up to figure out which one would drive me insane first. The suspense in this film is highly predictable and the dramatic scenes are blah or laughable. It’s hard to believe that a film starring the beautiful Leighton Meester and Minka Kelly could be such a bore.

Cursed (2005)

Via: Miramax Films

If there was a werewolf movie that will make your cringe and regret watching, look no further than Cursed. The opening scene with Shannon Elizabeth being attacked is one thing but the film goes way off the deep end. One second you have CGI werewolves and the next you have awful looking costume werewolves that throw up the middle finger. Please shoot me with silver if I have to watch this film.

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