Movies That Make You Go Huh? Horror #6

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You have to love the horror genre. It is one of the few genres that keep bad movies coming. You will never have to look far for a horror movie that will make you scratch your head and laugh at the stupidity. Hey, there is always something to watch when you watch bad horror movies. Here is to another round of bad horror movies.

Ghost Ship (2002)

Via: Warner Bros

There are some movies that you watch again and think to yourself, “Why the hell did I even waste my time watching this movie.” Ghost Ship is one of those movies. A movie that pretty much so laughable that it tries to take all the scary aspects from a haunted house and put it on a cruise ship. The slow creaking of a door, dead bodies everywhere, ghosts and spooks.

Jigsaw (2017)

Via: Lionsgate

For the love of everything good in this world, please stop making movies for this franchise. Let’s not even go down the route of rebooting the whole franchise. You had a good run, and it is time to stop. There is nothing wrong with just stopping. This last movie was pretty bad, terrible, and downright didn’t make much sense. So, it is time to hang it up.

Polaroid (2019)

Via: Vertical Entertainment

In the Eternal words of Andre 3000: “Shake it like a Polaroid picture! Hey ya!” That is about as good as it will get with this film. The world has presented a supernatural film based on a polaroid camera with a supernatural monster that kills people from the picture. Oh lawd help me that I won’t be able to take a picture again because I watched this film.

Alien vs Predator: Requiem (2007)

Via: 20th Century Fox

When the first Alien vs. Predator came out, it was pretty cool to see two legendary monsters go at it. It should’ve stopped after the first one. The sequel was a mindless, boring, couldn’t see anything film that provided more head scratching moments than anything else. The acting was terrible but the biggest failure was that you really couldn’t see the monsters fighting.

Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 (2000)

Via: Artisan Entertainment

I really didn’t think the Blair Witch Project wasn’t any good. When I saw the second film, I didn’t think it could get any worse and it did. This movie gave me a headache with how bad it was. Rather than found footage, it went the route of being inspired by the film. You need some inspiration, go to a freakin bookstore! When they said one man’s trash is another treasure, they weren’t talking about this film.

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