Movies That Make You Go Huh? Superhero #1

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Recently, I did a post where I added Batman & Robin as one of the worst movies ever. After typing the post, I thought it would be a great idea to talk about some of the WORSE superhero movies of all time. Before the monster of Marvel, there were some pretty shitty movies. Hell, there was a Fantastic 4 movie long ago that came out around Super Mario Brothers and never showed. Let’s get into some bad superhero films.

The Spirit (2008)

Via: Lionsgate

The only good thing about this whole film is the art style and visuals effects. Besides that, you will watch in confusion on what is going on. This was a HORRIBLE film! Who is the Spirit? No one really cares. It had many scenes that were strange, i.e., Samuel L. Jackson in a Nazi outfit or him in a samurai outfit with explosions around. I’m sorry but this isn’t what gods do.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle III (1993)

Via: New Line Cinema

If you know me, I love the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Yet, I must admit that TMNT 3 is straight up GARBAGE! Honestly, garbage is better than this stuff film right here. Really?!?! Turtles back in feudal Japan. You can’t be serious? Yes, you are. The awfulness of this film still haunts me and I still refuse to watch this film today.

Judge Dredd (1995)

Via: Buena Vista Pictures

Law! I Am the Law!!” Man, sit yo ass down because no one cares if you the law. I would say it is one of those films that you say it is so bad, its good but it’s not. The movie is straight up terrible. The film tried to be funny, serious and drama filled in one, but it didn’t work at all. It felt like no one wanted to act and just showed up to get that check. It was against the law to watch this film.

Catwoman (2004)

Via: Warner Bros Pictures

Halle Berry! Halle Berry! Catwoman is that film that shouldn’t have seen the light of day. It probably was maybe a good idea in the beginning or maybe when someone was pitching it. Berry played Patience as a meek designer who discovers a conspiracy within the cosmetics company who becomes this sexy fierce crime fighter after Egyptian cats that grant her superhuman cat-like abilities. This film didn’t have 9 lives. All used up in the first 5 minutes. Where’s the catnip?!

Superman IV: The Quest for Peace (1987)

Via: Warner Bros

Who in the hell knows what is going on in this film? Superman fights against Nuclear Man. Tries to get peace between the United States and Russia. Tries to get rid of nuclear weapons. This all turned out to be a massive waste of time.

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