Movies That Make You Go Huh? Superhero #3

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Here we go again with another thrilling installment of Movies that Make You Go Huh. Once again, we gotta talk about the superheroes. Sometimes they fly but most of them fall flat on their face or have the punching power of a Teletubby. Get ready because we have a great crop of films to get through.

The Green Hornet (2011)

Via: Sony Pictures Releasing

This film gives the Green Hornet a bad name or shall I call it a wannabe Batman but not as dark. Something that you want to spray bug spray on. I like Seth Rogan, but this was not his movie and he even admitted it. Whether it was the stall ass jokes or the over-the-top action that made no sense, the green hornet needs to be squished immediately.

Ultraviolet (2006)

Via: Sony Pictures Releasing

I like Milla Jovovich and she is great in all the Resident Evil films along with multi-pass. She should’ve skipped this film. In this over the top and CGI filled film, the world has been infected with hemoglophagia. Violet Song Jat Shariff is one that is infected who uses her super advanced martial arts skills who helps a boy who might have the cure. It is a joke of a film with an awful storyline and half the time doesn’t make sense.

Punisher: War Zone (2008)

Via: Lionsgate

The first Punisher with Thomas Jane was okay and bearable to watch. Punisher: War Zone on the other hand was a complete and utter waste of time. The violence is so over the top that it is laughable. When a person gets thrown into glass crushing machine and still survives that is one thing, but it is everything else that makes this movie awful. The acting is laughable, the story is wtf and the action seems to resemble some form of a film.

Blade Trinity (2004)

Via: New Line Cinema

The first Blade was great as it was an OG in the superhero game. Blade 2 was tolerable, but it was all action which I am fine with. Blade Trinity is one that just fails on every level. It seems like when a vampire film gets stuck, they always bring back Dracula. I don’t understand why but I guess you need to test the abilities of the main character. Also, Ryan Reynolds is BEYOND annoying in this film. This was an awful end to a movie franchise.

Ghost Rider (2007)

Via: Columbia Pictures

Ghost Rider is one of those superhero films that had a lot of potential but failed so bad that it was hard to watch. The CGI/special effects were laughable even if you thought Ghost Rider was cool. The storyline was meh with getting a contract for a specific church. Yet, Nic Cage was being Nic Cage with his over-the-top acting.

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