Movies That Make You Go Huh Superhero #6

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Oh, damn! Here we go again with another round of superhero films that doesn’t save the world or anyone. These superhero films are some of the worse in the world and genre. When you need a hero, please don’t call upon these films. You are better off saving yourself.

The New Mutants (2020)

Via: 20th Century Fox

When the movie, The New Mutants was announced, I felt in my bones that it might not live up to expectations. I didn’t know any of the prominent characters, and the commercials didn’t appeal to me. Hey, I was wrong about the Guardians of the Galaxy film. After watching the movie, yup, I was right. Should’ve skipped it because this film was straight-up huh material.

Son of the Mask (2005)

Via: New Line Cinema

The original mask was a classic and joy to watch. The sequel was an unmitigated disaster that no one should sit through. Starring Jamie Kennedy, he plays Tim Avery, an aspiring animator who has just had his first child born with the powers of the Mask. The story is confusing and not funny, there is no original cast and the use of CGI was so overused it would make other movies look like classics.

Hellboy (2019)

Via: Lionsgate

The Guillermo del Toro and Ron Perlman Hellboy series were something new, fun and entertaining. Perlman embodied Hellboy and the direction del Toro gave developed a fun movie. The 2019 version of Hellboy starring David Harbour didn’t live up to any expectations. As a reboot, it should’ve stayed deep in Hell and never escaped. At a R-rating, it was a pile of trash that relied to heavily on gore rather than story.

The Punisher (2004)

Via: Lionsgate

The Punisher is a violent man in the comics. When the film came out with an impressive cast starring Thomas Jane and John Travolta, you would think that you would have a decent film. What we got was an overly violent origin story that never really got off the ground. Even though Castle was a man looking for revenge, you didn’t know if he found satisfaction. Thank you for the Netflix version. 

X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)

Via: 20th Century Fox

How do you turn one of the greatest X-Men arcs into a film that will never rise again? Welcome 20th Century Fox because this is why the X-Men series had many ups and downs along the way. A send off to a franchise that deserved better. It would’ve been nice if it wasn’t a boring story, actors that looked lost and a bunch of missed opportunities to make this film great. Some of the action is cool but nothing that holds your attention. Goodbye X-Men or hopefully Disney can turn you around.

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