Movies That Make You Go Huh Superhero #7

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Are you ready for another round of bad superhero movies? I know you are since superhero movies have been the craze for years. Oh do I have a special batch for you this time. Some of the movies are sequels to hits that just went down the tubes. Even though the first movie might have been a hit, screenwriters and everyone else drops the ball and creates a freakin dumpster fire.

The Toxic Avenger Part 2 (1989)

Via: Troma Entertainment

The first Toxic Avenger film was good with a strange story. It was the new kid on the block, but the sequel was beyond terrible. This time around, The Toxic Avenger is tricked into traveling to Tokyo. Why all the way to Tokyo, you may ask? To search for his estranged dad which leaves his hometown open for complete takeover by an evil corporation. The movie is bland, baseless and will make you want to dip your head into a toxic waste to burn the very sight of it out of your mind.

RoboCop 2 (1990)

Via: Orion Pictures

The original RoboCop was awesome with a compelling story, extreme violence and great special effects. Obviously, a sequel was going to be made. Set in the same city, RoboCop is thrust in a scheme where Omni Corp wants to bankrupt the city and spread a street drug by a ruthless drug dealer, led by Cain. The film is entertaining but it goes off the deep end really quick and fast. The acting is really bad and the story really needed some major work.

The Punisher (1989)

Via: Live Entertainment

Long before we had what two films and a tv show, Dolph Lundgren played the title vigilante. The film was all over the place with Lundgren more of the terminator than anything else. The film was all over the place with pathetic special effects, laughable fight sequences and some of the worst acting in year. Some movies should never be made and this one is one of those films.

The Phantom (1996)

Via: Paramount Pictures

The Phantom is one of those superhero films that is either a hit or miss. You either like it or don’t like it. I remember watching it as a kid and thinking it was good. Now that I am older, I am confused on what the younger me thought. A crime fighter who is “immortal” must stop an evil businessman from gaining three skulls that could produce world destruction. It was all over the place and made the hero one dimensional and boring.

Justice League (2017)

Via: Warner Bros. Pictures

Trying to take many, many, many pages out of the Marvel universe, the DC extended universe cant really get off the ground. Marvel did the Avengers perfectly while DC made Justice League a laughable movie that is just bad. The CGI was freakin awful, the plot was terrible and the main villain really didn’t inspire like Thanos. Once again, another fail for the DC universe.

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