Movies That Make You Go Huh Superhero #8

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When a movie franchise gets to the third film, they are either doing really well or maybe they are so bad that you might as well keep it going. I had to hit you with the superhero films that made it to its third film for some odd reason and straight up crashed and burned. There are some other films in here but it is mostly dedicated to the terrible third film. Have fun with some of these wonderful superhero films.

The Toxic Avenger Part III: The Last Temptation of Toxie (1989)

Via: Troma Entertainment

How do you have two sequels in the same exact year? This must’ve been the worst planning in the world as part 2 was awful. Why the hell was a Part 3 even made? When Toxie finds that he has cleaned up the city so well that he has nothing to do, homeboy decides to get a corporate job. He discovers that the corporation is just as evil. Okay, Toxic Avenger, you really need to stop and go somewhere if this is the best that you can do.

RoboCop 3 (1993)

Via: Orion Pictures

Oh, RoboCop 3, it is about time for you to be dismantled. Detroit really needs a break and help. Things get crazy really quick when RoboCop’s partner is killed and he seeks vengeance and save the city once again from OCP. In this film, we have people wielding swords and I think it is a jet pack somewhere. The film went off the deep end around the first five minutes. Dismantling needs to commence.

Superman 3 (1983)

Via: Warner Bros. Pictures

This film was not up, up and away. It was more, down, down and crash. The introduction of Pryor as a comedic role, really set this film on the downward spiral. It is nothing with Pryor but the film tried to have this campy and comedic. The film was all over the place with Superman trying to thwart the plans of Ross Webster. I don’t even know what to say because I was disappointed in this entire film.

The Shadow (1994)

Via: Universal Pictures

Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? It’s definitely not this movie. I remember watching it as a kid and thinking it was good. Now that I am older, I am confused on what the younger me thought. I have to admit that the film features cool visual effects, but damn does the story suck ass. It tried to be like a Batman type film but it failed. The Shadow needs some light because darkness isn’t the way for you.

Thunder Force (2021)

Via: Netflix

Thunder Force is one of those films that is not funny nor entertaining. You would think with the talent of Melissa McCarthy and Octavia Spencer that this film would be twenty times funnier and it just failed miserably. Both actresses try their best but the story was absolutely boring and it made you think that being a superhero is a complete waste of time.

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