Movies That Make You Go Huh? Video Games #4

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Here we are again with a 4th round of video game movies that suck ass. I am starting to see a major theme here that maybe video games shouldn’t be made into a movie. Some of the best video games have a storyline that takes over 10 hours and you going to cramp it into two hours. Iconic characters and games ruined in a matter of hours. Such a shame and yet, it will not stop anytime soon. Still waiting on that Duke Nukem or Lollipop Chainsaw movie.

Wing Commander (1999)

Via: 20th Century Fox

Just because a game was popular in the 80s and early 90s doesn’t mean that it should be made into a movie. Case in point is Wing Commander. A film that seems so low budgeted that YouTubers now have better production values. The film has some really bad and awful special effects. The dialogue is so bad that it tries to last on being a sci-fi genre.

Super Mario Bros. (1993)

Via: Buena Vista Pictures

The film that almost ruined all video game films forever. I am sad to say that I went and saw this film in the theater as a kid. It didn’t make any sense back then and it sure as hell doesn’t make any sense now. What the hell was going on with this film? Those were not koopas! Those were alien lizard type creatures. Bob Hoskins and John Leguizamo seemed absolutely uninterested in this film. Ooh, Dennis Hopper as King Koopa was laughable. Straight up trash of a film and set back the Mario games for a couple of years.

Silent Hill: Revelation (2012)

Via: Alliance Films

The first Silent Hill movie was pretty good to watch. It had that creepy vibe and the CGI was a little off but you could deal with it. The sequel was blah. Even with an ensemble cast it still sucked ass. Pyramid Head is always a sight but beside that, this film should’ve stayed in Silent Hill. Once again, sometimes video games shouldn’t be made into a film and sometimes sequels should be greatly dismissed.

Need for Speed (2014)

Via: Walt Disney Pictures

Need for Speed. Such a good video game and yet a movie that stalls before it’s engine could get started. The story revolves around street racer Tobey Marshall, who sets off to race cross-country as a way of avenging his friend’s death. Another street racing through the country movie. The direction is terrible, and the supporting cast is laughable. Aaron Paul is the only decent aspect of this whole awful film. Take this move back to the shop, strip it down and use it for coke cans.

Warcraft (2016)

Via: Universal Pictures

I understand that it is hard to turn a major video game into a feature film. Look no further than Warcraft. One of the best MMORPG out in the world. Sometimes the biggest hopes turn into the biggest failures. Warcraft was a hit internationally but in the states it somewhat sucked ass. If you want to watch the best adaptation of Warcraft then watch the South Park episode on it. 30 minutes and you will laugh no matter what.

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