Mysterious Girlfriend X

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Read Time6 Minute, 15 Second

Year: 2012

Genre: Romantic comedy, school story, slice of life, supernatural

Episodes: 13

Rating: 3.25 out of 5

Being in a relationship is an adventure all of us will take. We all had crushes on people and wondered what it would be like to date that person. We have fantasied about what it would be like to be in a relationship with a person. Whether its boy meets girl, girl meets boy, boy meets boy or girl meets girl, we all want to be in a relationship. What were the lengths you went through to get the person to notice you? Did you send them flowers, write them a love note, send them a poem, or just went up to them and said that you would like to take them out on a date. So many options to choose from, and yet a majority of them fail, and a majority of them succeed.

Once you’re in a relationship, things seemed to change as time goes on. You start to learn more and more about the person you’re with. You see more of their personality and how they conduct themselves. They might do things that seem strange or weird. What has been the most unusual relationship that you have ever been in? Has the person you dated ever done something crazy that made you question everything?

Mysterious Girlfriend X is a funny but strange anime that explores the subject of being in a relationship that revolves around droll and scissors.


Via: Hoods Entertainment

Mysterious Girlfriend X follows the bizarre and unique relationship between Akira Tsubaki and Mikoto Urabe. Akira is an average boy who has been having dreams about girls and relationships. He lives with his sister and father.

One day, Mikoto transfers into his school and class. Mikoto is not what you consider normal. She has shaggy hair that covers her eyes. She sleeps heavily during breaks and mostly keeps to herself. Akira becomes intrigued by her. After class one day, he notices that Mikoto had drooled all over her desk. Becoming fascinated with the drool, he licks the drool and becomes instantly addicted to it but doesn’t know it. A few days after tasting the drool, he becomes too sick for school. Mikoto notices his absence and goes to his house. After small talk, Mikoto states that she knows Akira has tasted her drool and that he is not actually sick but is having withdrawals. Mikoto drools all over her finger and sticks it in Akira’s mouth. Akira instantly becomes healthy again.

From that moment onward, Akira and Mikoto become boyfriend and girlfriend. Little does Akira know that his new mysterious girlfriend is in another league with lightning-fast reflexes and pinpoint precision with her trusty scissors that she hides in her underwear.

Akira and Mikoto try and navigate the pitfalls of a romantic high school relationship while staying faithful to each other.


Via: Hoods Entertainment

Mysterious Girlfriend X shows the strange dynamics of a new relationship between two high schoolers. Actually, it is a bizarre start of a relationship. One that takes getting to know someone to a whole new level. The overall story of Mysterious Girlfriend X is pretty funny and interesting. The series follows the relationship of Akira Tsubaki and Mikoto Urabe. Mikoto is a new transfer student to Akira’s school. She has the appearance of someone that just rolled out of bed and put on clothes. The minute a lecture is over, and it’s time for a break, she passes out on her desk. As the day progresses, Akira gets this bright idea to taste her drool. Really creepy there. Going around and licking a girl’s drool. All of a sudden, Akira gets ill like he as the flu. Mikoto notices this and goes to his house where she drools all over her finger and sticks it in his mouth. Immediately, he gets well, and she states that he is addicted to her drool. That is how they become in a relationship. The weirdest way to be in a relationship with someone.

As the story progresses, we see that true feeling are expressed through the drool. Not kissing. Not hugging. The drool. Definitely, a new way to get a girlfriend. The story is pretty funny with the ways Akira and Mikoto test the bounds of the relationship, along with seeing it grow with each new episode. Some of the tests are quite interesting. Now the very strange part is Mikoto’s hidden pair of scissors that she carries in her underwear. I have never seen anyone whip out a pair of scissors and do some serious damage to a person. She is quite deadly with those things.

Via: Hoods Entertainment

The characters of this anime are what makes everything work. Without them, this anime would’ve been a bore. The main male character, Akira, is an average high schoolboy. He seems to be okay at school and sports. When Mikoto transfer into his school, he is intrigued by her and her somewhat mysterious ways. He becomes smitten by her when she looks up at him, and he manages to see her face. He thinks she is quite cute under her shaggy hair. He becomes infatuated with her when he tastes her drool that was left on the desk. That is really, really creepy. After becoming sick and finding out that he needs her drool to stay healthy because he is in “love” with her, he asks her to be his girlfriend.

Mikoto is the main character that is also somewhat strange. She’s extraordinary in her own way. She transfers to her new school and looks like she rolled out of bed and got dressed. Her hair is all over the place with her bangs covering her eyes. At first, she doesn’t eat with her classmates and rather sleep. Mikoto is very, very knowledgeable about the bond drool. To the point where you think she might have a Ph.D. in it. She can read anyone’s feelings by just tasting their drool. Weird but okay. Then she has this insane level of skill with scissors that she hides in her underwear. She can pretty much-cut anything into any shape at lightning-quick skills with her scissors.

Via: Hoods Entertainment

The animation is pretty ordinary in this anime. It didn’t seem like it was groundbreaking. Actually, for an anime that was made in 2012, I felt like it had that old school feel with it. There were a few scenes that stood out like the drawing of the drool on the desk, or the way characters were drawn in certain situations, like when Mikoto becomes embarrassed, and her face lights up. Maybe it’s a good thing that the animation was pretty standard.

Overall, Mysterious Girlfriend X was a pleasant surprise. I was surprised with the storyline as I was expecting this overly sexual anime where the guy tries his best to see the girl naked at every chance he gets. In this one, Akira actually tries to get to know his girlfriend. He deals with the same frustrations any horny high school boy goes through. At the end of it, he truly cares for Mikoto. This is a good little anime to watch if you have some time to spare.

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