Network (1976)

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Read Time7 Minute, 13 Second
Via: MGM

Rating: 4.5 out of 5

“I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore!”

In a time where people call fake news and networks go for major ratings with reality tv or any type of show they make, you wonder what goes on the inside of those networks. I want to tell you that this film is one of the best movies on network tv and how people do things inside. The story is all made up, but damn, is it so good. From the acting performances to the story to some of the messages delivered in this film, it is truly OUTSTANDING. I was left in awe with goosebumps on my skin as I watched and wondered if it was truly like this. PLEASE watch this fantastic movie because it will make you truly think.

Via: MGM

Network is a satirical black comedy-drama film written by Paddy Chayefsky and directed by Sidney Lumet, about a fictional television network, UBS, and its struggle with poor ratings. The film revolves around Howard Beale (Finch). Howard is an aging TV anchorman who has just been told he will be fired in two weeks because his ratings are at the bottom of the barrel. Not at all liking this news; Howard goes on air and states he will blow his brains out on live tv. The network goes in a frenzy as they are about to be controlled by CCA. Howard becomes a major TV trend, and the network sees a significant spike in his ratings. Howard is given his own show as he keeps losing his mind and thinks he is a prophet. He appears on tv and lets everyone know the “real truth” to the people about what is going on in the country. Well, Howard’s prophet-like ego becomes out of control with the network as he makes business deals that CCA is doing with other countries. The once former problem and now star have become a major headache for the company and network.

First, the presentation of the film at the beginning is what sets this movie apart. It is a small detail that stands out. The film begins saying that this is the story of Howard Beale, and it shows several different newscasters reading the news. Honestly, the starts had that whole Unsolved Mysteries type vibe to me but in a good way.

The whole premise, story, and idea around the network are freakin phenomenal. I was so drawn into a film that I really think I would be. At the beginning of the film, I honestly sat and wondered why I was about to watch a movie about network television. Holy shit, was I wrong. They say it is the story of Howard Beale, but it is some dirty dealing going on. The story really makes you think about tv shows and what happens when they get canceled and how the staff responds. Let’s take Howard’s story, for example. His ratings are dogshit, and he is an alcoholic after his wife dies. He goes on live tv and states that he will blow his brains out. This sends the network in a frenzy, but the more outrageous he gets, the more people watch. It makes you think how reality tv came along because there is some really outrageous shit on tv now that is mind-numbing. Yet, the network sees this and enables more outlandish behavior giving Howard a whole show until he completely goes off the wagon and they kill homeboy.

Via: MGM

The backstabbing and dirty dealing are on full display, and I love it. First, there is a merger, and people are jockeying for positions with their jobs and trying to make sure they have power. Duvall’s character seems like the one who will lead and pretty much just drives people out because he is all about profits and ratings. If the sector can’t hold up, he has no problem cutting them. Then there is Dunaway’s character, who is a genius when making shows, but it is her way or no way, and she uses sex to get to the top and has no shame telling. Homegirl’s bright idea is to make a show about kidnappings, terrorist attacks because people didn’t want to hear about the war but other violence. It is so crazy because it is so true in this world and this film happened a while ago. She has an affair with another executive. That affair leads the executive to leave his loving wife, and that shit storm happens. The whole thing is straight-up crazy.

I want to say that some of the speeches are great in this film and hit hard. The first speech Howard gives about how tv is a mind-numbing experience that just drains your brain with trash. Then how he proclaims to tell the world that you are mad as hell. It’s funny that when Howard finds information on dirty deals and tells the crowd, this, in turn, gives another wild speech by the network head. That speech is straight-up terrifying because he is speaking from power and can destroy Howard with a word.

The cinematography is excellent in this film. I love how when the moment gets tense, the camera gets up close on people. When there needs to be an overhead shot to show the cast, it is perfectly placed. I love the scene with Jensen because the room is not bright at all when he is talking. He looks like some evil warlord speaking from the darkness, and his voice is resounding and authoritative. It is a fun scene to watch and shows the intensity of the scene and moment.

Via: MGM

The acting in this film because it is all great. First is Peter Finch as Howard Beale. Finch did a marvelous job as Howard, and you were just drawn into this man’s madness and downward spiral. It’s one thing to lose your job at a network but what I love about Howard was dude went on live tv and spoke his mind. He sure was mad ass hell. Then his ego gets in the way like he was some type of prophet until he meets the head of the network, who is even more extreme than him. Yet, Howard went fully crazy with his thoughts, and I love it. Tell the world to kick rocks.

Then there is Faye Dunaway as Diana Christensen. She is the “villain” of the film because homegirl only has one thing on her mind: getting massive ratings, and she will stop at nothing to get them. Homegirl goes as far as to make a show about real-life bank robbers and hires a group to kill a person. Once again, she gives ZERO f**ks about people. Only her job is on her mind. She honestly can’t stop talking about the news and her career. Even during sex, she can’t stop talking about work and has the quickest orgasm.

Even though he was only in the movie for a short time, Ned Beatty as Arthur Jensen was straight intense and wrath of God like material. He sits Howard down because Howard is messing up some major s**t with governments and money. At first, Ned is cool and calm, but then he delivers a speech that sent terror through Howard. The look on Howard’s face told it all, and he had the total “I done f**ked up” look. Also, Beatrice Straight as Louise Schumacher delivered an all-time classic speech. First off, homegirl occupied only five minutes and two seconds of screen time, making it the shortest performance to win an Oscar to date. Finally, the film even has Robert Duvall as Frank Hackett. Duvall is one of the characters that take over the network and doesn’t care about anyone. He wants ratings and money.

I honestly enjoyed this film, and I think you will enjoy it also. The acting is superb, and the story is fantastic. This s**t will make you think about how networks do business and put stuff on air. The speeches are great as they hit some significant points home that speaks true today. If you don’t like anything, let the world know that you are mad as hell and will not take it anymore.
Via: MGM
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