Year: 2021
Genre: Action, Drama, Supernatural
Episodes: 12
Rating: 5 out of 5
Who are the strongest gods in all of mythology? Obviously, the list has to include the strongest Greek gods: Zeus, the lord of the skies and king, along with his older brother and the sea god, Poseidon. How about some Norse Gods, the likes of Odin and Thor? We also need some Hindu gods on that list, like Shiva, the god of destruction. While you are at it, who are some of the strongest people in all of history of humankind. I can think of Adam, who was the first man. How about Oda Nobunaga, Julius Caesar, and Alexander the Great? There are so many people throughout history to choose from. What would happen if the gods got fed up with humankind and wanted to destroy it. The only way to survive is to have one-on-one fights to figure out an outcome. Man vs. God! Record of Ragnarok is an anime where gods and man fight for survival and supremacy.

Every god that has ever existed in humanity gathers every 1000 years to have one major discussion: the fate of the human race and whether to keep them alive or wipe them out of existence. The God’s Council is led by the mighty Greek God, Zeus, who asks for a vote. The gods have decided that humans are absolutely worthless and must be wiped out. As the decision is about to be decreed, Brunhilde, one of the 13 Valkyries of Valhalla, interrupts the meeting and gives humanity a chance to prove themselves worthy of the gods and their survival.
Brunhilde challenges the god’s egos and proposes the idea of enacting Ragnarök, a tournament where 13 of the mightiest human warriors throughout history fight one-on-one against 13 of the most powerful gods in a battle to the death. At first, the idea is laughable until pride and ego take over the mighty gods who see humanity as inferior. Humanity only needs to with seven matches to be spared. To help out mankind, Brunhilde recruits her Valkyrie, who transforms into a powerful weapon tailored for their user’s combat style. As the matches begin, will humanity survive or fall under the mighty powers of the gods.

This is one of the best and most entertaining anime I have watched in a long time. Now, most will say it’s blah, but who cares what they think. I think this anime is freakin AWESOME. The story is GREAT, but the action/fights are AMAZING, the animation is PHENOMENAL, and this anime had me hooked from the get-go. Also, you learn quite a bit of mythology from the perspective of the stories about each character.
Okay, let’s start this bad boy off with the story. Now gods of the world, from Greek to Norse to Hindu to all of the mythology, have a meeting every thousand years to decide to wipe out humanity or not. Also, Zeus is the chairman of the Council of Gods, and the dude is a complete badass. I love how Brunhilde is like fuck it and challenges all the gods by enacting Ragnarök, where the strongest 13 mortal warriors fight against 13 gods in one-on-one matches.

Let me tell you that this anime EXCELLS with the matches and fights. They are freakin AWESOME and enjoyable to watch. What is great about each match is that you get a backstory on each person that is fighting. Match one is Lü Bu vs. Thor, and it will set the tone of this anime. The match is intense, and you see a different take on Thor and get some great mythology. The match is extreme because you think that there is no way a man can compete with a god, and it goes down to the wire. Match two is Adam vs. Zeus, and it was entertaining to see the first man vs. the chairman of the god. This is the one fight you know the outcome before it even happens. Both people get pushed considerably but end in the end; this is the most predictable match of the three in this series. Now match three was where it was at for me in this series. The match between Kojiro Sasaki vs. Poseidon. The backstory for this fight was beyond entertaining. Sasaki is one who lost every fight in his life and trained in the afterlife. On the other side is Poseidon, who is more feared than his brother Zeus. While watching it became entertaining, and towards the end, I kept yelling, “Sasaki!” Overall, all the matches and back story were simply amazing.
Another highlight of this anime is the beauty of the animation. The animation really brings out this anime in many different ways. First, it is crisp and well done and brings out many different characters. The Gods seem grand and just have an aura drawn about them. The mortals all seemed like buff warriors at the peak of their power. When each person shows off their special move, the area just explodes in light or whatever grand display it is shown. It is all beautifully drawn and very appealing to the eye. A prime example is Thor, for example. Dude has this long reddish hair and seems to glow. When his hammer is activated, it’s a different look. We can also take Adam, who is grand but only seems to wear a leaf.

The characters are known throughout history, but they were so fun to watch. Thor is this dirty old man who can transform into a beef dude. Honestly, it was like watching Trunks go into SSJ mode, where he had all the muscles. Yet, homeboy was extremely funny and almost airheaded. Poseidon was an extreme badass, who didn’t look anyone in the eyes, and everyone was scared of him. Adam was a caring father of all man. He fought hard for all his children. Brunhilde was a straight-up gangsta because she was the one who wanted to protect humanity. Love how she got stressed and overate. My favorite character and one who everyone should look up to is Kojiro Sasaki. He was referred to as “History’s Strongest Loser,” yet his tale was to never give up when you lose. To always get back up and learn. I love that character. Could stop saying Sasaki like some of the other characters.
I don’t care what anyone says. Records of Ragnarök is a great and entertaining anime. The characters are fun, and the matches are insane. You also get some mythology mixed into with backstories. Give this anime a chance, and I heard there might be a second season. Can’t wait for it, and maybe I should pick up the manga.