Samurai Champloo

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Read Time6 Minute, 45 Second

Year: 2004-2005

Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Historical, Samurai, Shounen

Episodes: 26

Rating: 5 out of 5

The Samurai is synonymous with Japanese culture. Samurai is one of the iconic figures that almost define the Japanese. From the likes of Oda Nobunaga, Tokugawa Ieyasu, and many others, the Samurai has been part of the Japanese culture from the start. Unlike a ninja, a samurai was a nobleman that followed the bushido code when they engaged in combat. They were considered an elite class that usually served a ruling emperor. The outfit alone is pretty sweet. They wore full clad kimonos and had a samurai sword. The weapon of all weapons back in the day. Who wouldn’t want to be a samurai? They were the straight-up badass of the times.

How many films and anime series are dedicated to being a samurai? They seemed to have that quick sword skill and fancy attacks that seemed to cut down a tree with a simple twitch of their finger. Anime series like Rurouni Kenshin, Ninja Scroll, Samurai 7, along with such films like 12 Assassins, to name a few.

What would happen if you take the world of Samurai and the era they lived in and mixed it up just a tad bit? Like, throw in things that wouldn’t even exist around that time. Like hip-hop music and graffiti with some beatbox and baseball. Do you think you would have an exciting anime?

Samurai Champloo is one of the greatest anime ever that presents a perfect blend of adventure, hip-hop style, and anime that will leave you in awe. From the opening scene to the end, it is an anime that hits all the standards of samurai anime.


Via: Manglobe

Set in an alternate version of the Edo Period of Japan, Samurai Champloo follows the extraordinary journey of three individuals where swords are the weapon of choice, and the hip-hop culture seems to have a significant influence.

A young woman by the name Fuu is working as a waitress in a small tea shop. One day, she accidentally spills a drink on a customer. As the customer and his crew begin to complain and abuse her, she is saved by a wild hair samurai by the name of Mugen. Mugen quickly defeats the group with his mad skills and love for violence. During the commotion, Mugen picks a fight with Jin, who is a traveling swordsman and abilities that are more refined. As the two seem to be on the same level, they end up causing mayhem and destruction.

While fighting, the two are quickly arrested for their crimes and sentenced to execution. Fuu offers to help them if only they agree to help her find “the samurai who smells of sunflowers.” After much disagreement, Mugen and Jin decide to help the girl on her quest. The trio embarks on an adventure that is unlike anything they been on while trying not to kill each other in the process.


Via: Manglobe

Samurai Champloo is an awesome anime. Let me break it down for you and let you read what I just wrote……. Samurai Champloo is an ALL-TIME CLASSIC, DOPE-ASS anime. Directed by the anime genius, Shinichirō Watanabe, who also made the all-time classic Cowboy Bebop. Watanabe struck gold again with this anime. His blend of combining genres and music is something special. Who would’ve thought adding hip hop music to a samurai show would be amazing to watch.

There is so much that is great from this anime. Whether it is the style, story, characters, music, or just the setting, dub voice acting, it is all so great to watch, and it is hard to just pick one simple area that makes this anime stand out. All of the elements combine to make this anime great.

Via: Manglobe

This anime breathed hip-hop music. Whether it was the culture of the impact of hip-hop, it was one of the most prominent themes of the whole show. Even if you don’t like hip-hop, this show will make you have a great appreciation for the music and culture. From the opening theme to scratching of the record for a commercial break, hip-hop lives in this anime. Then there is the episode of a dude walking around fighting, but before he does, he and his crew lay down some beats. Then there is the episode about writing, but it is in graffiti style. The music throughout is basically hip-hop. Even Mugen represents the hardcore rapper. His fighting style is basically breakdancing.

The episodes, pacing, and feel are just like Cowboy Bebop. The story is basic with the characters helping Fuu find the man that smells like sunflowers. Yet no episode is the same or seems connected. It is just the characters on their journey. Where this show stands out compared to Cowboy Bebop is that we know what we are looking for with the first episode, the man that smells like sunflowers. Bebop, we just had episodes. Well, only five episodes that told us the ultimate theme. What makes this anime stand out is how it is placed in the Edo era but infuses many pop cultural elements to the show. There is baseball, graffiti, street art, and other things that wouldn’t be around during that time.

Via: Manglobe

The characters are straight-up awesome. Obviously, when talking about the characters, we must talk about Jin and Mugen. They were and still are what makes this anime go. Without them, this anime would be quite dull. The only reason these two “team-up” is because they wanted to kill each other but then decided to help Fuu. The two couldn’t be complete opposites from each other. Like Yin and Yang. Let’s talk about my boy, the one and only, Mugen. Mugen is a straight-up badass!! He doesn’t give a f**k about anyone but fighting. He is over-confident, loves to fight, foul mouth, straight up, looks dirty, and can’t spell and read at all. He does his own thing, speaks his mind, and always never backs down from a challenge. His fighting style is very unorthodox. Like he is fighting on the fly, and whatever feels right and works is good for him. Then there is my other boy Jin. Jin is a straight-up G. He is calm, introverted, and intelligent but also has a sense of duty. Unlike Mugen, his fighting style is a taciturn and collected. He is an extremely skilled swordsman, using swift, refined, orthodox moves. He has a sharp memory and seems to analyze the situation quickly. Fuu is the somewhat glue for the both of them. She can be quite annoying sometimes, but her reasoning is what keeps everyone together. She is quite funny as when she eats, she becomes HUGE! Any girl that has a squirrel as her partner is okay.

Via: Manglobe

Finally, the voice acting is what makes this anime so great. The actors/actresses they picked for the dub version is amazing. Steve Blum, as Mugen was phenomenal and returns from playing Spike in Bebop. Blum is practically the go-to voice actor for almost everything, and he does an outstanding job. Kirk Thornton voices Jin. Stellrecht gives Jin that calm presence compared to loud Mugen.

Samurai Champloo is an anime that everyone must watch no matter what. It is the perfect anime to watch if you like that hip-hop feel or just want to see some epic violence and swordplay. Whether it’s the different types of episodes, the style of music that is played in the anime, the characters, or even the animation, this anime has it all. No matter what, watch this anime and join in on loving the instant classic.

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