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Read Time4 Minute, 11 Second
Via: Netflix

Year: 2022

Genre: Adventure, Sci-Fi

Episodes: 6

Rating: 4 out of 5


What are some of the world’s greatest artifacts? Is it the Arc of the Covenant? How about Noah’s Ark? How about the Rosetta Stone? What if all the artifacts around the world had extraordinary powers, or should I say they were from an alien species? That would be pretty mind-blowing. Spriggan is an anime where the world is split into factions after alien technology. Most of the alien technology is in the form of artifacts from history. One soldier is sent on missions to ensure it doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.  



Via: Netflix

Before man was anything, an ancient, advanced alien civilization ruled the Earth during the prehistoric era. The race was prosperous but naïve as they destroyed themselves by misusing their mighty power. However, this advanced race left behind indestructible message plates for future civilizations written in Hebrew. The plates were to cast a warning, informing man to destroy their creations.

In the present day, various countries, private forces, and others are searching for “mysterious artifacts” to use their own power and destroy their enemies. The ARCAM Corporation and their military arm, the Spriggans, seek to destroy all the artifacts. Spriggan Yu Ominae is sent on missions to obtain and destroy the artifacts. Little does he know that many of the artifacts are famous relics through time.



Via: Netflix

I never read the manga for Spirggan, so I will go entirely off what I saw in the anime. The anime is quite intense and violent. I like that type of anime. Don’t hold back at all. Show people getting ripped in half or arms were blown off. Throw in the occasional people getting their ass handed to them in ways they never believed.

The story of the anime, I would say, is pretty standard. At only six episodes, each one focuses on some item that will destroy the world. One episode is dedicated to Noah’s Ark, which is straight-up alien technology. It is up to Yu to stop everyone after these major items. Now I will say there doesn’t seem to be any consistent timeline to each story as characters come and go. In some episodes, you learn about Yu’s past and figure out who his friends and teachers are.

Each episode is filled with violence that would make Kratos blush with pleasure. You can expect many people to die in this violent anime. I watched the first episode and was like, this could be good. Then when the second episode came around, I had to strap in because when homeboy turned into a werewolf type of creature and was ripping people in half, I was hooked. That is, each episode, violence to the max.

Via: Netflix

Now the animation is almost flawless. You can tell that Netflix doesn’t hold back when they make their shows. It’s either bright color, well done, and appealing to the eyes. When an anime is crisp and clean, it is enjoyable to watch and holds your attention.

The anime characters are fun to watch, but some are only in one episode, leaving you wanting more from them. The main character, Yu Ominae, is a decent character. He is strong but always gets whooped up on before overcoming the odds. Yes, he is like a teenager and had all these mentors. As I watched, I’m like, you didn’t learn jack from any of them. Watching homeboy run as best he can was freakin hilarious.

I’m sorry, but Jean Jacquemonde stole the second episode for me and was the one I wanted to see the most. When he first came on, I thought he was a cocky asshole because he kept saying that Yu would’ve died whatever number of times without him. When homeboy turned into a werewolf and went HAM on everyone, he became my favorite character. Dude became an unstoppable killing machine. Another character is Oboro, who is a skilled Qigong martial artist. This dude is another badass in the anime who seems to be the strongest person around. If you think Jean is an unstoppable killing machine in his werewolf form, Oboro can stop him with a single touch. Needed more of this character.

Spriggan is one of those anime series that is extremely violent but fun to watch. It tries to be like a few other anime series but isn’t quite there. I don’t expect a season two of this anime, but I could be surprised. The main character is okay, but mostly the supporting characters will stand out the most. The story is pretty good and enjoyable. Give this anime a chance and see why many artifacts are alien technology.

Via: Netflix
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