Terra Formars

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Read Time6 Minute, 3 Second

Year: 2014/2016

Genre: Action, Sci-Fi, Space, Horror, Drama, Seinen

Episodes: 26

Rating: 3 out of 5

Some insects in the world are cool, like the ladybug, the daddy longlegs, or even the grasshopper. Then some are downright nasty and disgusting. Spiders are pretty creepy and nasty. Just thinking about them makes my skin crawl. You want to know which insect is the nastiest? It’s the god damn cockroach. They are just nasty and crawl every, and then they fly all over the place. BLAH!

Here is a question. If you could go to Mars and live, would you do it? If the planet could be terraformed into a lush green planet like Earth, would you go? Now would you change your mind if you knew Mars was overrun by humanoid cockroaches after years of evolution?

Terra Formers is an anime that where Mars is ruled by humanoid cockroaches after centuries of evolution and science going completely wrong. This is an anime that is not for the faint of heart as it is entirely violent and sometimes over the top.


Via: Viz Media

In the 21st Century, humanity attempted the unthinkable in trying to colonize Mars. Scientists decided that the goal should be terraforming the planet by sending two species to the planet. One was modified algae that could absorb sunlight and purify the atmosphere for human life, and the other was cockroaches. Really? Cockroaches! Well, somethings don’t work the way you want it to as one species adapted exceptionally well to its new environment.

500 years later, a lethal disease known as the Alien Engine Virus has ravaged the Earth, and the only cure is located on Mars. The only problem is that Mars is overrun by creatures known as “Terraformars.” We talking human size, big ass, incredibly powerful, and intelligent humanoid cockroaches that mutated from those originally sent to the planet.

To reclaim the planet, governments worldwide have banded together and decided to send genetically modified humans to collect 10 samples of both sexes of roaches and exterminate the mutated bugs. Soon the battle of man versus roach is about to change the solar system for all time.


Roaches. Yep, roaches. There is an anime that was made about roaches. Not just any roaches. Roaches that have lived on Mars for over 500 years and mutated into beast. These roaches are humanoid figures that have the body of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. Freaking roaches, man! They are nasty little creatures, and you make an anime where they kill humans like it’s nothing. Just thinking about them makes my skin crawl.

Via: Viz Media

I would say that the story for this anime was good, and you know what, it is pretty good. I actually enjoyed it. It was part of a Watchmojo list for the most deadly villain or something like that. I was skeptical and was like hell, why not. This anime is interesting for all the deaths, fighting, and seeing how people mutated their bodies to combat these mighty roaches. I guess I went off course for a little while but the back on it. The story is simple but also advanced in away. Earth wants to colonize the planet Mars. In a sense, they want to make the red planet habitual. As the process begins on Mars, 500 years pass. The roaches have mutated into surviving the environment and being the ultimate dominant force. 500 years is a freaking long time, and now the humans want to exterminate the new roaches and build a home there. To do this, they send certain groups to combat them that have been infused with certain powers.

I want to put that out there. The roaches are quite intimidating. The way they are drawn and actions are just straight creepy. They walk in groups and are massive creatures with insane powers. What makes them also creepy is that they have no emotions. They almost have zero expression, nor seemed to care about their fellow roach creatures. When one gets their head blown off or ripped in half, they just keep coming. They are entirely remorseless and have no feelings. They rip a human in half and just keep walking like it was nothing. Then they have the ability to take a human power and use it for their own or form with other insect beings. One roach had the body of a crab or spider. Another had some type of shiny, reflective body that could withstand heat. It was all crazy.

Via: Viz Media

On the flip side are the humans and what they bring to the table. The story does a nice job explaining the very reason they take the mission. Some want to help other family members. Some want to get away from bad situations. Each one is more messed up than the next. When it comes to the humans, each one has taken a highly and very limited experimental procedure to enhance their bodies to combat the roaches. Each one of them has a power or ability from some type of animal. One person had electricity as his body was engineered with an eel. Another had pinchers and claws from a crab. It was all pretty crazy.

Rather than the human and roaches, the biggest area where this anime is like F-It is when it comes to the fighting and deaths. If you think a character is a big part, think again because they will probably die. When people are on the ship, you think they will make it; nope, think again. Almost everyone dies in this anime. With all that, the fighting scenes are AWESOME!!! Sometimes the battles start off in a group to show off everyone’s skill, but when it goes into a one-on-one fight, that is when shit hits the fan. Humans and roaches die in the most extreme way possible.

Via: Viz Media

The animation is okay in this anime. Season one was drawn with crisp and distinct colors. When the scene is dark, it’s drawn really dark. It seems each scene is drawn specifically for each character. Now, when it got to the second season, the animation was awful and clunky. You can tell a significant difference between styles, and it just went blah after that.

I would spend some time on the characters that are important in this series. There might be a few, but I want you to guess which one lives and which one meets their untimely death. Who you think might live usually don’t, and the ones you think might die actually live and become some strong ass person.

Terra Formars is a very interesting anime. You have roaches that are built like The Rock dominating Mars with major colonies. Earth wants to build life on the planet but can’t until they eliminate all the roaches. There are major battles and seeing what each person decided to turn into to combat the giant ass roaches. Maybe not the best anime, but it can be entertaining at times.

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