The Case Study of Vanitas

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Via: Bones

Year: 2021

Genre: Supernatural

Episodes: 12

Rating: 4.5 out of 5

Vampires have been around for centuries. There have been many films, tv shows, and books dedicated to vampires. They are all the same as the creatures that live at night and suck people’s blood. The most famous vampire is Dracula. Many movies and books have set up a vampire hierarchy with nobility and the works. All sound good until a new clan of vampires comes along and has a cure for vampires.


Via: Bones

The vampire world has been split into two groups. On one side are the typical vampires of the Red Moon. They are the ones you hear in stories. On the other side, are the ones hated by the Red Moon are those vampires born under a blue moon. The vampire Vanitas became the leader of the Blue Moon clan and was the only one of his kind. He grew up in an isolated world, afraid of all. According to legend, Vanitas created a cursed grimoire known as the “Book of Vanitas.” It is said that the book’s powers will one day bring retribution to all vampires of the Red Moon.

During the 19th century Paris, Noé Archiviste is traveling when a vampire goes wild and starts attacking. During the commotion, an eccentric doctor who calls himself Vanitas states that he will bring justice to the vampires of the Red Moon. Vanitas carries the “Book of Vanitas” and claims that he has inherited the book from his master, the Vanitas of legend. As the rise of vampire attacks seem to become out of control, Noé and Vanitas join forces to heal vampires.


Via: Bones

I want to begin this review by discussing how visually stunning the anime is. The animation, tones, and colors used were one of the major highlights of the anime. Since it was drawn by Jun Mochizuki, who is also known for the series Pandora Hearts. You can tell that the Pandora Hearts influence was extremely strong in this anime. I sat in awe, waiting for each scene because it would send my eyes with an explosion of colors and visuals. The red moon in the sky was one thing, but how the vampires were drawn and the dark tones were almost perfect.

The story was equally as good as Pandora Hearts, or even better. It was less confusing, even if Pandora Hearts is almost straightforward. Love how it is set in old-school Paris. The concept of Vanitas coming and saying he wants to cure vampires who become out of control is a nice set. The idea and dynamics between Vanitas and Noe are interesting. Each episode is like Sherlock Holmes and Watson. Each mission has a specific case. Vanitas seems to know a lot like Sherlock, and Noe is the one lacking in knowledge.

The show also does pretty well by adding many elements of vampire lore. One thing is the sexual tension between some people. Sucking blood is like having sex in this show, and damn, some people get it on. What is also reminiscent lately in vampire lore is the hierarchy and all the drama. There is a queen, but in this one, the Red Moon vampires HATE the Blue Moon vampires. The anime really doesn’t say what the difference is, but the Blue Moon clan seems like a cool group, even if there are only two people. Also, the drama in this film is beyond crazy. When people lose control, bad things happen, and the anime shows it. Either their heads get chopped off, or they need to be staked. Oh, the drama within this anime. You have vampires that are so mysterious but powerful that they will make your skin shiver. There are others who are manipulative but have the power to destroy many.

Via: Bones

This is where the anime gets really good because the action and fighting in this series are top-notch. It is one thing to battle against each other, but when Vanitas and Noe fight against each other, shit hits a whole new level. They go all out, and you hope that they don’t kill each other.

If you read plenty of my reviews, you know I am really only into the music if it surprises me. This anime has some great music. First, the first opening, “Sora to Utsuro” by Sasanomaly, is an upbeat song that will make your foot tap. When I first heard the song, I was like, “Oh, damn! Where did this come from?” The second opening song, “Your Name” by Little Glee Monster, is another banger I could listen to. It is all about the beat in my eyes. Even with the opening, the ending songs are good, also. “0 (zero)” by LMYK is a lovely melody song, but where it is at is the second ending song, “salvation” by MONONKUL. It had that melody that you were in the 19th century at some ball.

The characters are quite entertaining in this show. First, Vanitas is hilarious sometimes and serious. He seems to know what is going on and always has a know-it-all attitude about himself. Yet, homeboy is extremely messed up from his past and what he went through. The same goes for the second character, Noé Archiviste. He has a cheerful expression and wants to be helpful, but homeboy’s past was severely messed up, and to see his family’s head explode.

The Case Study of Vanitas is an excellent and fun anime to watch. You will enjoy each episode, even if some of the themes might be a little sexual and not kid-friendly. The animation and visuals are outstanding, and the story is one that will definitely draw you in. Watch this anime during the Halloween season and enjoy it.

Via: Bones
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