Rating: 1 out of 5
Listen, I have seen some lousy disaster movies in my lifetime. Whether it was a giant earthquake, tornado, hurricane, or even a giant meteor about to descend upon the Earth, disaster movies seemed to bring out the worse in movie making. I have seen a decent disaster movie very few times, and let me tell you that The Core is not a great disaster movie. The concepts are great, but the whole disaster aspect needs to go far out of the window.

Okay, so how does The Core begin, or what is it about? For some odd reason, the planet’s electromagnetic field has stopped working, and strange occurrences are starting to happen. In Boston, 32 all die at once within a 10-block radius. The common item among them is that their pacemakers stopped working. In London, birds suddenly go insane and attack people before flying off. After these events, Dr. Josh Keyes (Eckhart), a geology professor, notices a pattern and begins working to see what is going on. He finds out that the Earth’s core has stopped and goes to Conrad Zimsky (Tucci), an egotistical researcher, with his results. During a meeting with the government, they explain that since the Earth’s core has stopped, the electromagnetic field around the Earth will disappear. It will expose the surface to unfiltered solar radiation and incinerate anything or anyone exposed to it. The scene with the peach is probably the best explanation of the whole film. Keyes and Zimsky are charged to find a way to restart the core, which requires traveling deep into the Earth and setting off nuclear charges to induce rotational force. Keyes and Zimsky establish a team to help on their mission that includes Dr. Ed “Braz” Brazzelton (Lindo), who has developed a material “Unobtainium” and a high-speed drilling laser. NASA pilots Commander Robert Iverson (Greenwood) and Major Rebecca “Beck” Childs (Swank) is brought on to pilot the multi-compartment vessel, Virgil. Computer hacker Theodore Donald “Rat” Finch (Qualls) is appended and tasked with the duty to keep news of the pending disaster or the attempt to restart the core from the Internet. Finally, Dr. Serge Leveque is needed as the nuclear weapons specialist.
Okay, let’s be honest. Why the f**k does man have to mess with the planet? It makes no sense. So you think that your enemies are making a weapon that can mess up with the flow of the land, and you decide to shot something in the Earth’s core that completely stops the Earth’s core from moving that causes the electromagnetic force to stop. What fools are you? Also, what really makes no sense that

the Earth’s core just stops. Really? It just stops. It is a liquid and continuously moves all the time; it can’t just stop.
The whole idea of starting up the core is a whole different story, and I don’t even know where to begin with this film. Some disaster movies really don’t need to get made, and this one is it. All in all, the Earth’s core has completely stopped, and we need to go to depths we have never gone before to get there. If the water pressure doesn’t kill you, then we really get to be burned up like a crisp because the electromagnetic field has stopped, and the sun would burn us like a crisp. If I was a God, I would be shaking my head at the overall stupidity of humankind. Hey, at least we get clues on why the Earth is acting up. First, a high frequency goes off, and around 30 people with pacemakers die in a single city. We can’t forget about the birds because they went Alfred Hitchcock style and attacked everyone in London.
I just love when there is a disaster movie. We have a smart-ass scientist who knows what is going on and has this big red envelop that could save the world but doesn’t believe anything until proof comes his way. W.T.F, do you have this information in the first place?? Oh, wait! You want to defeat your enemies. Have you ever thought about not doing anything at all? I just love the fact that the one person who can get them to their mission is someone the government and other scientists screwed over like 20 years ago. He has this grand machine that can cut through anything along with having a ship that can make you absolutely safe.
With almost all disaster movies, you know people will die because no mission can ever go perfectly without people losing their lives. Each person dies in a way that makes you almost scratch your head. One dude gets a rock through his head. Another gets crushed. The one I was baffled about when dude has to detach the ship. He states that the temperature is over 9000 degrees (insert Dragon Ball Z Vegeta quote here). He also says that the suits they wear can resist up to 4500 degrees. How the hell you able to take a step because you would’ve burst into flames on the first step.

The special effects were awful. The spaceship in space was laughable, along with it coming down to Earth. Everything I looked at the special effects, it just made my head hurt because it was so out of place. The only decent effect was the whales, and even that is really pushing it.
How about that lightning storm in Rome? Shit was so crazy that lightning hit the Coliseum so hard that it blew up. I guess no one will be fighting in there anytime soon. How about when the protective layer over San Francisco failed, and the sun rays came through and burned the city? I don’t know about you, but everything should’ve melted.
I am not even going to touch upon anyone’s acting. I think everyone knows that they at least tried. Sometimes just making a movie just because is okay. I am not going to hold anyone accountable or against it. You tried. Everyone moved on and did far better films. We going to leave it at that and move on.
If you are in a disaster movie phase, you can watch this or watch something else. I don’t think anyone would hold it against you if you decide to pass. The acting is okay, and the story is a complete bore. Just go outside and enjoy the day instead.