The Day I Became A God

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Read Time4 Minute, 57 Second
Via: P.A. Works

Year: 2020

Genre: Drama, Fantasy

Episodes: 12

Rating: 3.25 out of 5


If you could be any god in history, who would it be? What god would you choose to tell people that you are them? Would you choose the Greek god Zeus? How about Hera, the Queen of the Gods? Would you choose one of the Norse gods like Thor or Odin? You know what, I have a feeling you might go with one of the Egyptian gods. I hear that Osiris, Seth, Anubis, and Ra were badass. Maybe you have been watching a ton of anime and decided to be one of the great Japanese gods. Someone like Amaterasu, Izanami, and Izanagi or Susanoo (if you watched Naruto, you probably heard these names)? What if you were told that the world only has thirty days before it ends? What would you do? Would you have fun or watch it go into chaos? The Day I Became a God is a cute and funny anime when a character proclaims to be a god and states the world will end in thirty days.



Via: P.A. Works

Yōta Narukami is preparing for his upcoming graduation exams in the final year of high school. Life seems boring until a mysterious girl named Hina Sato shows up while dressed in a nun-like outfit. Hina claims that she is the Norse god named Odin. She explains to the mortal Yōta that the world will end in exactly 30 days. Yōta is very skeptical of this and goes on about his day until Hina uses her precognition abilities and accurately predicts the ending of several situations.

The story revolves around the crazy situations that Yōta ends up in and Hina assisting him. The focus of Yōta is to get a date with his crush, Kyōko. While on the way, Yōta and Hina help many people around the town while Hina adjusts to life among the “mortals.” As time goes on, the truth about Hina and how she became a “god” will soon unveil itself in 30 days.



Via: P.A. Works

The story of this anime gives you a turn really quick. When I found out that it was made after the same people who made Angel Beats, I quickly realized why. The anime is really cute and funny in the beginning. Hina rolls up on Yota and claims that she is the god Odin. During the episodes, she uses her “powers of clairvoyance” to help Yota in situations. Yet, she tells Yōta that the world will end in 30 days, only for him not to believe her. Like I said, the episodes are really cute and funny. You don’t think the anime would have a serious tone in its body. You see Yota act crazy for his friend raman shop, win in a crazy way at mahjong, and other adventures. All these adventures revolve around Hina helping Yota get with Kyōko because he has a crush on her.

When episode nine hits, BAM! It’s like a gut punch. The whole mood and vibe of the anime change when the 30 days are up. You actually learn the truth about Hina and her life. What you see is her way of wanting to live a normal life. The final three episodes are somewhat a tear-jerker because you go from a bright and happy girl to something completely different. The struggle that Yota goes through as he realizes that he doesn’t love Kyōko but really loves Hina is sad. When you really see Hina after a small departure, you finally realize that she was trying to do everything she wanted to do in a short time. It all made for a sweet ending that will bring a tear to your eyes.

Via: P.A. Works

One of the highlights of this anime is the colors and animation. As you will see with Angel Beats, this anime also uses a lot of bright colors for its characters. Hina has some of the brightest pink hair you will see. She gives that one Sailor Moon character a run for her money. The animation is extremely clean and makes you feel happy. The animators wanted to show that this was a fun anime. What I also like is when sorrow hits, the mood and tone of the animation change to darker somber colors. With the darker tones, you really feel for the characters towards the end because it signifies what they are feeling.

As far as the characters in this anime, they are pretty funny and entertaining. First, Hina Sato is a cute and “god-like” person. Hina is a girl who wears a veil and claims that the world will end in 30 days. In the beginning, she freaks out because her surname is so common to everyone else. She claims to be a god and prefers to be called Odin. She enjoys making fun of Yota’s situations, especially when he messes up. The male protagonist of the anime is Yōta Narukami. Yota is a high school student who meets Hina by chance when playing basketball. He is first skeptical of her claim. He gets involved when Hina offers him her powers to support his goal of wooing his childhood friend Kyōko.

The Day I Became a God is one of those anime series that starts off funny and then gets honest and sad at the end. It is the same style and feel as Angel Beats. That one almost messed me up. The episodes are funny and with some situations going on. I would recommend watching this one after Angel Beats. Get all the feels out of the way early.

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