Year: 1998
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Shounen
Episodes: 26
Rating: 4 out of 5

If a person had a bounty of 1 million dollars, would you go after? You already know they are a dangerous person to the world and society. Actually, what reward on a bounty would you accept? What if the reward was $60,000,000,000 (double dollars) to capture a man who is known around the world as the Human Typhoon and has a reputation for destroying a whole city? Would you go after this man?
Trigun is a classic anime that has come along and introduced the world to Vash the Stampede. A man that is known as the Human Typhoon. Trigun is an entertaining anime set on a dystopian planet in the future. It is an anime with unique characters, light-hearted moments, and some serious sibling drama.

Trigun revolves around a man known as Vash the Stampede. Vash is a notorious figure with a bounty of $60,000,000,000. Once again, that is $60,000,000,000! You pretty much have to destroy a planet to get a bounty like that. Why does he have this incredible bounty of his head? Vash is known as “The Human Typhoon.” He completely annihilated a town called July from existence and left death and destruction with every place he goes. The man is a terror to the world and life itself. Citizens tell stories that he will kill you for making the slightest eye contact with him. There is just one MAJOR problem, Vash is actually a huge loveable teddy bear who has never taken a life and tries to avoid violence at all costs.
Vash travels around from town to town on the planet Gunsmoke. Two Bernardelli Insurance Society employees, Meryl Stryfe and Milly Thompson follow him to make sure nothing happens. As Vash tries to clean his name, soon, the misadventures turn into life and death situations as assassins are summoned to show him the true meaning of his power. Vash soon realizes the only way to move forward is to confront the past that he tried hard to forget.

Sometimes I wonder why Trigun is considered one of the best anime series ever made. At first, the series was a little annoying because of the light-hearted human. It’s not like I didn’t like it, but it was a little too much at a time. About halfway through, when the Gung-Ho Guns come into the picture, that is when the anime gets really good. It just takes so long to get to the main storyline. It feels like a bunch of filler episodes. With this anime, I am meh with it. It is not an all-time great anime, but it is far above average.
The actual story is terrific. Vash and his crew must fight all the Gung-Ho Guns that come after him. It is very unique how he defeats each one because they all have different abilities. The central storyline deals with Vash and his twin brother, Millions. That is a great name right there. The story is simply great because the main goal of the Gung-Ho Guns is to have Vash kill willingly for the first time. It is like Superman or even Batman killing a villain for the first time. The reason for all this is to make Vash feel eternal pain and suffering for taking a life.
For the episodes that are not part of the main storyline they are quite entertaining. Each episode is different from the situation that Vash is in, but they slowly move Vash to the final confrontation with his brother. Actually, the central theme of these episodes is someone points out that Vash is the $60,000,000,000 man, and then they try to capture him. The other reason is Vash is hired by some villainous person because he thinks Vash will provide protection or kill everyone to get what they want.

What I like about this anime is the western style, dystopian atmosphere. I think it adds to the overall appeal of this anime. It is like Fist of the North Star but with gunfights and crazy gangs. I would say that each one is the same, but one had a giant ass lightbulb in the town’s middle. Sometimes a train will run by but overall, there is a lot of walking. Also, there is NO vegetation around. The whole planet is just nothing but a desert. Almost no water anywhere. I can’t even remember seeing a freakin tree around.
The animation is pretty old and grainy, but overall, it still holds up pretty well. Even though the style is way behind the times of the anime today. Towards the end of this anime, the animation does fall off as it tries to be grand and impressive.
As for the characters, there are a few we need to talk about. The first is the main character, Vash the Stampede. He is an excellent character that is funny, caring, and a pacifist. He is also a great gunman whose arm turns into a super effective cannon that can destroy a whole town. Also, Nicholas Wolfwood is a pretty awesome character. He is a smoking priest that walks around with a giant ass cross that is actually a weapon. He and Vash constantly argue about things. Finally, there is Vash’s brother, Million. Million is completely insane and a killer. Knives believes in the survival of the fittest and believes in exterminating humans.
Trigun is an entertaining anime that I would recommend for anyone. It is a great anime that can be the start of people who want to watch anime. It is pretty violent towards the end, but overall, it is actually light-hearted and fun. Vash is an all-time great character that anyone would love. Give this anime a chance.