Keith David is an actor who needs to be mentioned and respected through the film industry. The man has the golden voice where he is noticeable in voice acting, commercials and even films. With a career that has spanned over 40 years and appeared in over 300 roles, Davis looks like he is not stopping anytime soon.
Childs- The Thing (1982)
In only his second role, David plays Childs in the classic John Carpenter’s horror film, The Thing. Playing opposite of Kurt Russell, Childs is quick to lose temper but when its time to make decisions, homeboy seems to not be wrong. If the few times, as the black person, he does somewhat survive until the very end. David is spot on as Childs who lets everyone know that they are for themselves and he will freeze his black ass off to make sure he is not the creature.
Dr. Facilier – The Princess & The Frog (2009)
Do you know what David has? He’s got friends on the other side. Playing the villainous Mr. Shadow Man, Dr. Facilier, David is great and devilish in this Disney animated film. David is charming, devilish and became one of my favorite villains from the Disney universe. David is also great with providing the singing for this role. Bravo, Mr. David.
Frank – They Live (1988)
When you come here to kick ass and chew bubblegum, you know you are about to go down a serious path. David teamed up again with John Carpenter in this crazy film called They Live. Starring alongside the one and only Roddy Piper, David plays Frank, who doesn’t believe in aliens are living among them. David is somewhat a minor character but the fight he has with Piper is an instant CLASSIC!
Goliath – Gargoyles (1994)
I am going way back in the day when Disney had one of the most serious cartoon shows going. That show was Gargoyles. I really need to rewatch it because I bet there was a lot of themes that went way over my little head. Gargoyles was a dark show with Shakespearean themes. David voiced Goliath, the leader of the gargoyles. David’s voice was iconic with its deep and commanding tone.
The President- Rick & Morty (2013-Present)
David is hilarious as the President in this American sitcom. As the President, he believes he can do anything he likes and tries to control Rick as best as he can. He is honestly one of the best recurring characters in the entire series. David plays the President as a clueless, egomaniac who has some of the best deliveries.
The Cat- Coraline (2009)
David has such a distinctive voice that it is hard not to notice it. In this stop-motion, animated, dark fantasy, film written and directed by Henry Selick, David voices the Cat. The Cat is a mysterious figure as it seems to know more than it lets on. Even at time it can be sarcastic but also a willing guide to the young heroine. David really shines in this world as many of his previous roles in dark film or animation comes out and plays hard.
Spawn- Todd McFarlane’s Spawn (1997)
I remember watching this series as a kid. I watched the movie and became enthralled with the character. As the character, David was menacing with his deep and sinister voice. He made this character come to life and I remember being scared for a while. David took this character and made it his own. It was fun to see him reprise the character in Mortal Kombat 11. You can’t have Spawn without Keith David.
Arbiter Thel ‘Vadam- Halo Game Series
If you have played any of the Halo games, especially Halo 2 and beyond, you know about the Arbiter. The character comes to life with the deep voice of David. David made this character his own and there will be no one who can play the Arbiter like him. His deep and commanding voice is fit for this disgraced commander.
King- Platoon (1986)
In Oliver Stone’s riveting war drama, Platoon, David stars alongside a cast that has the likes of Charlie Sheen, Willem Dafoe, and Tom Berenger. David plays King, a veteran in the film who seems to be the level-headed one. King was the voice of reason for Sheen’s character. I think if King wasn’t around, then it would’ve been far worse. David had a presence about him that seemed to say what everyone was thinking.
Narrator- Navy Commercials
I have to put this on the list. David was the narrator for multiple Navy commercials. If it was me, I would have him do all military commercials because he has that deep and intimidating voice that makes you want to serve.