The great actor from Northern Ireland, Neeson has had a magnificent career. During his career he has received nominations for an Academy Award, a BAFTA Award, three Golden Globe Awards, and two Tony Awards. Let’s be real, Neeson is the only person to be a God, train Batman, train Obi-Wan, and be the most powerful creature in the Chronicles of Narnia. By the way, the man has skills that will terrify you.
Oskar Schindler- Schindler’s List (1993)
In Steve Spielberg’s classic and icon film, Neeson plays the title character. Neeson as Oskar Schindler was great. I didn’t like the man initially but turned around when he saw the error of his ways. Neeson does a marvelous job of showing and displaying his character’s emotions from a hard businessman to a lifesaver. Neeson showed a man who was greedy but soon found a heart in this beautifully made film.
Bryan Mills- Taken (2008)
The film that actually scared me of Neeson. Neeson brought his A game with one of the best monologues in film. I don’t care what anyone says. Neeson plays a father who has a particular set of skills and will track down the men who kidnapped his daughter. Neeson is great in his performance as he is menacing as a father who would do anything to get his daughter back. Yes, Neeson will find you.
Henri Ducard/Ra’s al Ghul- Batman Begins (2005)
In Christopher Nolan’s first film in the Dark Knight Trilogy, Nolan picked Neeson to play Ra’s Al Ghul and train the one and only Batman. Nolan presented a more grounded, realistic and gritty version of Batman. Neeson brings intimidation but also teaching as the teacher to the young Bruce Wayne. Neeson is great in his performance with his calm but idealistic nature to rid the world of evil and scum.
Qui-Gon Jinn- Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace (1999)
Have you ever wondered who trained Obi-Wan Kenobi? Loon no further than Qui-Gon Jinn. Neeson was great as the calm but often rebellious Jedi Master. The film was put down as being bad but damnit, it is way better than the last three films. Neeson got to fight against Darth Maul with epic music to go with it. The Force was with Neeson in this film.
Peyton Westlake/Darkman- Darkman (1990)
Neeson plays Dr. Peyton Westlake, a brilliant scientist who becomes Darkman after being left for dead and burned to a crisp. In the film Peyton seeks revenge against the men who deformed him. Neeson was excellent showing the mental state of Peyton. A man whose mind seemed to be going as all his pain receptors were fried and he is amped up on adrenaline. This was one of the first movies I saw Neeson in and he put on a show as Darkman.
Zeus – Clash of the Titans (2010) and Wrath of the Titans (2012)
This film might not be one of his finest works but damnit, he does play the King of the Gods. Neeson seems to always play someone in a position of power and what better place to have authority over all in Clash of the Titans as Zeus. Even though Neesom isn’t in the film that much, his armor is straight up glistening and he does deliver the famous line, “Release the Kraken.”
Alfred Kinsey- Kinsey (2004)
Let’s talk about sex, baby. Let’s talk about you and me. Kinsey is a biographical film about the like of Alfred Kinsey who was a pioneer in sexology. Thank you for your service. Neeson is great as the title character who gives a great and noteworthy performance. Gotta give it to an actor who is ready to dive in the world of sex and learning about the motivations behind it.
“Monster” – A Monster Calls (2016)
I read the book and Neesom was the perfect choice to voice the monster. I read the book and in this film that follows a young boy trying to wrap his head around his mother’s terminal illness, he is visited by a anthropomorphic yew tree that tells three stories before the boy must tell his own. There will be tears. Neesom just has that voice that is powerful yet gentle and understanding. Maybe that is why he does a lot of voice acting.
Rob Roy MacGregor- Rob Roy (1995)
Just like me, you probably don’t know who Robert Roy MacGregor is? Neeson plays the title character as a 18th century Scottish clan chief who fights it out with a nobleman played by John Hurt and having to fight Archibald Cunningham played by Tim Roth. Neesom is great in this role as he plays the famous man as a boss. Neesom was perfect for this role and to play alongside Jessica Lange, what more could you want.
John Ottway- The Grey (2011)
You want to see a film about survival, The Grey is that film. This film is relentless with trying to survive and Neeson leads the way as Ottway. It is one thing to crash land in the freezing cold of Alaska but to fight a pack a wolves is on another level. Neeson is great as a man depressed and nothing to lose after his wife died. This film still holds but today.