Villain: Annie Wilkes

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Via: Columbia Pictures

There are some people who say they are your number one fan and then there are others who go off the deep end saying they are your number one fan. Look no further that Kathy Bates as Annie Wilkes from Misery. The title says it all because Annie will bring you some major misery if you are in her care. Kathy Bates is terrifying, bat shit crazy and insane as Annie and you have to love it. You know you are an amazing villain when all you have to say is the film Misery and people remember one iconic scene.

Via: Columbia Pictures

Annie has a major OBSESSION with the book character Misery. She even named her pet sow pig after the character. Annie is no dummy, she has a nursing degree from University of Southern California and worked in many hospitals, only thing is that she is responsible for murdering her father, roommate, and a lot of patients and infants during her years. Yep, bat shit crazy. Annie is introduced in the film when she rescues Paul Sheldon, the author of the Misery series, after he breaks both of his legs in a car accident. She lifts his ass up and takes him to her home for recovery.  From there, Annie shows signs of how deep her obsession is and begins to torture Paul to make herself happy.

Via: Columbia Pictures

Annie seems like a kind, caring, and pleasant person but as time goes on, you really see what is under the façade. She is a mentally disturbed and psychopathic, she also suffers from multiple mental illnesses. Once again, bat shit crazy. Don’t make her upset because she will pour lighter fluid on you and if you try to escape, the ankles are straight up gone. She has extreme mood swings and will do anything to get her way.

Via: Columbia Pictures

Annie Wilkes is one of those characters where you don’t ever want to be in a hospital with. If you do, you have a far better chance on riding it out. You need surgery and Annie is your nurse, say, “Naw, I do the operation myself.” You wont see another day. Also, don’t let her near your ankles. Please keep her away from your ankles.

Via: Columbia Pictures
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