There are some fearsome pirates during history. Blackbeard is probably the most famous pirate of them all but besides him is the one that deals with the afterlife. That person is the one and only Davy Jones. We have all heard of Davy Jones’ locker. The locker is the abyss and final resting place of drowned soldiers. Davy Jones in the Pirates’ films is a fearsome creature that rules the afterlife. We’re not talking about the SpongeBob version of Davy Jones. This Davy Jones is cruel, evil and hateful.
Davy Jones is a fearsome looking person/creature. If I was on the seas, I would not want to run into Davy Jones. Jones is a mixture of all types of aquatic things that you will find in the seas. First, dude has a cephalopod-like aka octopus or squid-like head with octopus-like tentacles that is supposed to be a beard. Dude must’ve ran into Cthulhu and was like, “I really like what you did with your head. I’m going to take it for my own.” Jones also lacks a nose. I wonder how dude smells anything. Besides being a tall lord of the seas, Hones has a crustacean-style crab- like claw for his left arm. Oh, and he had this long ass tentacle finger on his right hand. His right leg is a crab leg as it seems to replace his peg leg. I don’t know where Jones is from but he speaks in a very clear, deep and think Scottish accent.
Davy Jones is the Dark Lord of the Seven Seas. With the title Dark Lord, you expect nothing less than a cruel ruler. With years at the help of his ship and guiding souls, Davy Jones is highly intelligent but as a tyrant to all that come across him. The dude or fish or whatever he is has no heart or heartless (play Kanye West-Heartless). Now that I think about it, Davy Jones doesn’t have a heart at all as it is locked in a box. Davy Jones is a cruel hateful, serves only himself, malevolent person or creature. Dude is always miserable and looks like he needs a hug. The only thing that he seems to like is making everyone around him just as miserable. No matter if you are alive or in the afterlife, he believes that cruelty should rule over all.
What makes Davy Jones such a fearsome villain is his unique powers and abilities but most of all his secret and deadliest weapon. First off, with removing his heart and agreeing to be the captain of the Flying Dutchman, he is probably the strongest and most powerful villain in all of the Pirates of the Caribbean films. Jones is an immortal being that can take on attack after deadly attack. If you owe the man a debt, watch out for his dreaded “black spot.” He is the only one who can remove it. He also has the ability to travel between dimensions from the land of the dead to the land of the living. His most fearsome power is his complete control over the legendary sea creature, The Kraken. Whenever a ship gets a little too far from his cannons, he calls upon his inner Zeus from Clash of the Titans and tells his crew to “RELEASE THE KRAKEN!”
Davy Jones is by far one of the most fearsome villains around. If you are sailing the high seas, beware because Davy Jones is watching. Davy Jones is a cruel ruler of the high seas who likes to see everyone around him miserable. The dude has no heart in his body as he loved and couldn’t be with the one, he loved. Hardcore, ripping out your own heart. His appearance is terrifying with his crab-like arm and octopus looking head. Stay away from the ocean because you don’t want to end up in this villain’s locker.