Villain: Evillene

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Via: Universal Pictures

In the Wiz, the evilest, wicked and diabolical person in all the land is Evillene, the Wicked Witch of the West. The original Wicked Witch will never be topped but Evillene will giver her a run for her money. Evillene goes beyond wickedness and shows why she has the rhythm and soul to be an iconic villain.

Evillene lives in the sewers and the underground of OZ. She runs a gigantic Sweatshop of never-ending labor that she rules over and completely controls. Evillene goes to the beat of her own drum as she sleeps most of the day and wakes up in the afternoon. I wish I had that type of schedule. When she rolls up into her sweatshop, she terrorizes her workers and sits on her mighty throne which is actually a giant toilet that is heavily decorated. She is one of those bosses that screams, yells, shouts and forces her slaves to call her “Oh Beautiful One.” When she captures Dorothy and her crew, she makes no qualms with hurting them.

Via: Universal Pictures

With the name of Evillene, you know she must be the evilest of them all. Evillene’s personality is straight up rotten as she is cruel, power-hungry, and only cares about herself and maybe sister. She is also wicked, greedy and loves to torture many around. Hell, homegirl runs a freakin sweatshop. She rules over her domain with an iron fist and is feared by all. She is known for having a distinct obsession for material wealth and will do everything possible to gain the Silver Slippers.

Evillene is one of the best African American movie villains. She has a special place in villain history and must be respected. She has the soul, rhythm and evil personality to rank highly among the villains. She will always have a special place in my heart because she has one of the best songs ever. You definitely don’t bring Evillene no bad news.

Via: Universal Pictures
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