Villain: General Zod (DC Extended Universe)

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Via: Warner Bros.

If there is one villain who can challenge Superman, toe for toe and punch for punch, it has to be General Zod. Played by the talented Michael Shannon, this version of Zod is intense and powerful. In the DC Extended Universe and film Man of Steel, Zod is the leader of the Kryptonian Warrior Guild and the commander of the Sword of Rao who tries to stage a coup. Zod is one of the greatest villains in the DC Universe.

Via: Warner Bros.

General Zod has an intimidating appearance. He is enormously tall and extremely muscular with piercing brown eyes, short dark hair and facial hair on his chin. He adores wearing is all-black Kryptonian outfit that bears the silver emblem of his family on the chest, a black cape and black boots. This adds to his already fearsome appearance.

General Zod’s personality is one of extreme loyalty. As a genetically engineered warrior and leader, he has extreme loyalty to the Kryptonian race and its ideals. Zod is so killed at being a military leader, he is not afraid to act on those he think are weaker and leading in a weak way. This is shown when he decided to overthrow the Kryptonian Law Council and kill anyone that gets in his way. Even though Zod is extremely loyal to his race, any race that is less powerful and advanced as his, he sees them as inferior and has no pity on them if he has to destroy them. His only goal is to find a new and suitable planet for his people. Zod is not above criticizing his own race. When he learns that Jor-El explained that he had a child out of being genetically engineered, he called the child “heresy.” Even though Zod is extreme in his thinking, he does value his allies and even valued his once benevolent friendship with Jor-El. He stated that killing Jor-El has haunted him. Being a general, Zod has shown that he has a calm and collected demeanor but once he is pushed, he shows fits of rage. Zod is bold and determined and fights to the very end. When he is captured, he continues to make threats. Being a warrior, Zod showed his incredible willpower and determination during the fight with Superman. He overcame his temporary weakness of sensory overload and mastered flight as if it was nothing.

Via: Warner Bros.

General Zod is one of the most fearsome villains in the DC Universe. A Kryptonian who can go toe-to-toe with Superman and bring him down to his knees. A Kryptonian who is extremely loyal to his race and will do anything to make sure it survives.

Via: Warner Bros.
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