One of the craziest but beautiful female villains is the one, the only, the spectacular and crazy Harley Quinn. This version will be on the DCEU version played by the beautiful Margot Robbie. Harley is considered an anti-hero in the world who first appeared in the ICONIC Batman: The Animated Series as a henchwoman for the Joker. She was only supposed to appear for one episode, but her popularity skyrocketed, and she became Joker’s girlfriend. Thanks to Robbie and the film Suicide Squad, Quinn came to life and became a female cosplay dream with her white shirt and sparkly short shorts.
Quinn is a BEAUTIFUL woman that has straight up, bleach white skin after leaping into a vat of the same chemicals that changed the Joker. She does her hair with the ends being blue and pink. She has tattoos all over her body with a heart on her cheek. In the Suicide Squad, she walks around in a white t-shirt and short red and blue shorts. In The Suicide Squad, she rolls around in a red dress. Once again, don’t let her beauty fool you because she is insane.
When you first notice Quinn, you might think she is a blonde airhead. Inside that mentally instable skull is a straight up genius. She is a former psychologist at Gotham City’s Arkham Asylum who was manipulated by and fell in love with the Joker. Homegirl has a doctorate degree. She had high psychological, tactical and manipulation abilities. She also has high abilities in psychoanalysis, criminology, and forensic psychiatry. Quinn also possesses many superhuman abilities as she was a gymnast in college, has increased strength and has high agility. Even with these abilities, she is skilled in almost every weapon she can get her hands on. She rolls with a baseball bat but loves shotguns, spear or hammer.
Harley Quinn went from a one-episode character to being an all-time great superhero villain. Robbie brought the character to life and did a fantastic job showing how insane but funny this character is. If you are looking for a therapist or shrink, maybe Harley Quinn isn’t the one. Besides that, she is an extremely loyal friend and will look on the bright side of life.