Villain: John Doe

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Read Time1 Minute, 57 Second
Via: New Line Cinema

One of the strangest villains has to be John Doe in the film Seven. John Doe is a serial killer bent on punishing all sinners of the world. His judgement is lead by the seven deadly sins. As Morgan Freeman’s character so eloquently stated, “There are seven deadly sins, captain: Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Pride, Lust and Envy.” Kevin Spacey made this character scary because we all have violated some sin and homeboy is coming for you.

Via: New Line Cinema

John Doe’s personality is warped as he is an extremely pessimistic man. He has an obsession with how immoral and evil people are. Even though he is extremely pessimistic, homeboy has qualities that makes him extremely deadly. He is incredibly patient as he takes his time to kill his victims. He is extremely methodical as every detail is planned out with how he will show the evil of the sinner. He is also cavalier and excellent with having great insight with how people will react to what he is doing. With each murder, you would think it would affect John Doe. Yet, he is unemotional and calm. He only had one outburst in the whole movie but keeps to his creed.

Via: New Line Cinema

You want to about his killings. The Sloth killing was freakin off the chain. Dude kept a man to a bed and gave him drugs for a full year. It was insane when the man coughed. The victim of Gluttony was crazy as he fed a man to, he burst with food and left him in a plate of spaghetti. Now the craziest scene was with Wrath. That is the whole “What’s in the box scene?”

Via: New Line Cinema

Watch out for when you commit one of the seven deadly sins. One might be watching you and praying upon you. Even though Kevin Spacey was in the film for a little while, as John Doe, he brought fear to a city.

Via: New Line Cinema
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