One of the characters that scared me in my childhood was Judge Doom from Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Judge Doom used to freak me out with his Dip and then at the end when he had that high pitch voice and freaky dagger eyes. Christopher Lloyd did an outstanding job portraying this character because he made me want to hit the NOPE button a few times. Judge Doom is the ruling judge of Toontown, the owner and CEO of Cloverleaf Industries and the boss of the Toon Patrol. His Did is a chemical creation he made that can kill any toon. Judge Doom is a villain that will live on in Walt Disney history.
Judge Doom is a fearsome person that seems to suck the life and joy out of everyone around when he walks into a room. He pretty much dresses like one of those evil cartoon villains with a black overcoat, round shaded glasses, a black bow tie, black pants, gloves and leather shoes and a black hat. The only thing missing is the evil smile and crackling laugh. Doom also walks with a cane with a silver skull on top of it. I’m telling you; he has the evil look on lock down. When Doom reveals his true identity, homeboy goes from a creepy mortician to a creepy took. His hat pops off his head and his fake eyes drop to the ground. He has a pale white curly top and piercing red cartoon eyes. His voice goes drop meaning to a high-pitch Toon voice. He has the sinister laugh that you expect from a villain.
Doom has a personality that would make a madman cry. He is straight up cold-blooded, manipulative, ruthless and violent. He has a deep, deep hatred toward Toons even though he is one. He mistreats his own Toon Patrol by hitting them and berating them when they start laughing. Speaking of hating Toons, he created The Dip, a chemical creation of his (composed of Acetone, Benzene, and Turpentine) which permanently kills any Toon that is dipped in it. He shows his cruelty when he dips an innocent shoe into his chemical creation, killing it and having a sadistic smile on his face. Doom is so much unliked, even human citizens stay out of his way. Towards the end of the film, Doom shows his true nature being a complete psychopath. He is shown to be genocidal, hateful, insane and cruel. He literally buys all the rail cars with the hope of destroying Toontown and building a highway. This shows that Doom is a brilliant and intelligent mastermind as he seems to be able to murder anyone in broad daylight and get away with it. That is power and manipulation to the highest degree.
Judge Doom is a villain that all cartoon characters hate and don’t want to see. He is an evil, insane, manipulative, psychopath bent on destroying and killing all Toons. There are few judges in Hollywood that you don’t want to appear in front of. Judge Doom is at the top of the list.