One of the most beautiful anime villains of all time has to be Lust or also known as Lust the Lascivious from the iconic Fullmetal Alchemist series. Lust was okay in the first Fullmetal series but in Brotherhood, that is where she became truly evil and iconic. She is the Seven Homunculi to be introduced and is evil and manipulative in every way possible. With her looks, you will definitely droll and lust over her until she kills you. Must be nice to be named after one of the seven deadly sins.
With the name of Lust, you know she has to be gorgeous. Lust is a tall, slender, and well-chested woman with long black hair and dark eyes. She is always seen in a black robe, long gloves and high heels. She had red lines on her arms with her noticeable Ouroboros mark below her collarbone. Lust is one of the few homunculi with a secondary form and in this form she is ugly. She isn’t very lustful to look at but hey, whatever floats your boat.
Lust has quite a personality to her. You think with the name of Lust, she would be sexual and crave after anyone. That is a no. Among all the homunculi, Lust is one of the proudest and straight up hates humanity. She thinks they are weak, dumb and predictable in nature. Even with these feelings, she is reserved and makes sure nothing gets in the way of her nature. With the name of Lust, she does have a flirtatious side and loves to seduce people with her extreme beauty. When someone finds out her true self, she goes ballistic when called a monster. Lust does go wild for violence and chaos. Lust is also one of the smartest of all the homunculi while being very cunning, skilled in planning and is very adaptable.
Lust is one of the most iconic anime villains around. Out of all the seven Homunculi in the series, she is by far the most well-known. Her fight with Mustang was brutal and iconic. She got burnt to a freakin crisp and wasn’t look cute after it. Beware of woman with Lust in their name because they might be a demon.