Villain: Muriel the Grand Black Witch

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Via: Paramount Pictures

We all know the story of Hansel and Gretel. The one where their parents leave them in the woods and they end up at a candy house only to run into a witch. Well, we know that story but when they grew up, they became witch hunters. We find out that there is one who controls all the witches in that film. A vile, disgusting, evil but also beautiful in human form. The one and only Muriel or as her peeps call her Muriel the Grand Black Witch.

Muriel is the leader of the Black Witches and the arch-nemesis of Hansel and Gretel. Muriel’s main mission is to find an immunity to fire. She will do anything to make that dream happen. In order to make this happen, she needed to sacrifice the heart of a Grand White Witch in a ritual sacrifice on the Blood Moon Sabbath. Come to find out, Hansel and Gretel’s mother is a Grand White Witch and she set the village against them. Only thing was they burned Hansel’s and Gretel’s mom.

Via: Paramount Pictures

Muriel is straight-up everything you ever heard or dreamed of a witch would be. First, she has two appearances. In her human form, homegirl is BEAUTIFUL. She is tall, with raven hair and seductive eyes. You would dream of dating her. In her true form, homegirl needs a tan and some lotion. Her skin is straight up WHITE with cracks in them. Her lips turn black and here eyes are blue.

Via: Paramount Pictures

Muriel has the personality of a mean ass witch. She is sadistic, ambitious, manipulative and brutal. She will throw any curse on someone to prove a point. Hope you don’t like bugs because she will make you eat them until you explode. She is also an egotistical individual, as she tells Gretel she has gone by many names, but none are worthy of Gretel repeating. She shows great regard for her other black witches calling them her sisters even though she would sacrifice them at the drop of a dime.

Muriel is one of the most fearsome witches in the game. She might be as great as the Grand High Witch from the Witches but homegirl can hold her own. She is scary, evil and will do anything to accomplish her dream.

Via: Paramount Pictures
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