Villain: Norman Stansfield

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Via: Gaumont/Buena Vista International

One of the greatest movie villains EVER has to be Norman Stansfield played by the great Gary Oldman from Leon: The Professional. You want to talk about a crooked and corrupt cop, look no further than Norman. Before their was Alonzo Harris, who Denzel did an amazing job with, there was Norman who was so far out there that no one should cross his path. I loved every minute of him in this film. How crazy is this character? Freakin’ MSN Movies described the Stansfield character as “the role that launched a thousand villains.”

Via: Gaumont/Buena Vista International

Norman is a DEA agent who seems to really not be fit for his job. The dude just looks crazy. He always wears this beige suit and he looks like he hasn’t shaved and his hair sometimes is all over the place. Yet, Norman is one of the craziest villains who mind and personality seems to go unchecked sometimes. You know what the funny thing is??? Homeboy somehow manages to mastermind a major criminal operation and a drug dealer. Only in America!

Via: Gaumont/Buena Vista International

As far as his personality goes, I don’t think you want to work for this man but damn it draws you in. First, he does drugs, which should be obvious but whenever he takes his drug, it’s in a capsule form. He always looks up, turns his head and when you hear the capsule pop, it seems to unleash a side in Norman that takes his mind OVERBOARD. When he kills that one family, his love of classical music and Beethoven comes out as he guns down person after person while listening to it.

Via: Gaumont/Buena Vista International

What makes Norman such a great villain is homeboy doesn’t give a shit about anyone. Dude doesn’t seem to care about himself and others around him. He seems to have very little feelings toward anyone. A kid gets gun downed, oh well, where’s the drugs. The imintation he showed with Mathilda in the bathroom will send chills down your spine. He doesn’t have any time for Micky Mouse bullshit. The all time classic is he wants EVERYONE!!

Let me finish off by saying this is one of my favorite Gary Oldman roles. There is some major over the top acting. The story is good but you watch this movie for Oldman’s performance. He should’ve at least been nominated for best supporting actor.

Via: Gaumont/Buena Vista International
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