Villain: The High Evolutionary

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Via: Marvel/Walt Disney

The Guardians of the Galaxy have had quite a few villains they have come up against. In the third and final installment of the film series, they face off against the High Evolutionary, played by Chukwudi Iwuji. This fearsome villain is a genius cyborg scientist who wants to create the perfect society while doing illegal experiments on animals and children. He created those golden, stick in their ass, the Sovereign. He was the one who created Rocket. This dude is the real deal and feared throughout.

Via: Marvel/Walt Disney

The High Evolutionary appearance is a strange looking RoboCop wanna be looking dude. He is humanoid with dark skin, and I would say has some hair but I don’t really know. Dude looks like RoboCop with the way his face is stretched over his head. First, he wears a purple leather suit that looked like the rip off version of Willy Wonka. His suit consists of an armored torso and some nice robed pants. It does look stylish. I want to talk about his face because it looks like RoboCop. After Rocket jacked up his face, he wears a skin face mask to over the damage. He wears a purple helmet to make sure his skin stays in place.

With being called the High Evolutionary, you could assume that this villain’s personality is one with a very large and wide stick up his ass. When he is first introduces, he seems like a good guy. He is kind, seems to be after a good cause, has passion, charismatic and has high intelligence with wanting to create the perfect world with the perfect species. All those traits should tell you that the dude is crazy and a psychopath. The High Evolutionary true personality is that he is very delusional of his quest for a perfect species, unhinged at many times, sadistic, cruel, evil, diabolical, narcissistic and an asshole is all ways plus an egomaniac.

Rocket tells it how it is with this man. The High Evolutionary has no problem experimenting on animals with zero regard of how much pain they are in. This shows how ruthless and a psychopath this dude really is. When his experiments don’t go as planned, he has no problem either gassing the animal or incarnating them to ash. Dude takes his experiments to the limit with if a world is not up to his standard or disappoints him, he has no problem with starting over aka, blowing that shit up and redoing everything with a better species. If a test subject is “successful” he recruits them as a soldier in his army aka you become his loyal slave.

Via: Marvel/Walt Disney

His personality is even worse as he is extremely prideful to an extreme fault. If you are smarter or solve something before him, god help you. Prime example is when Rocket figures out how to make animal people without them becoming highly aggressive and crazy. When the High Evolutionary sees this, he becomes pissed and jealous that a mutated racoon could be smarter than his creator. This made him want to take Rocket’s brain.

What makes the High Evolutionary such a fearsome villain is his vast powers and abilities. For his powers, dude has the durability of a tank. He has survived many attacks that would’ve killed many regular humans. His age seems to have found a way to survive with his long life. He has stated he has lived over 300 years but looks like a man in his 30-40s. I am telling you now, that coca butter is amazing. Everyone needs to use coca butter to look young. The High Evolutionary also has the ability to manipulate gravity but that’s not all!! He also has the ability to generate spatial awareness, telekinesis and levitation and let’s sprinkle in some energy projection. What makes the High Evolutionary such a crazy villain is his genius intellect. Dude has a brain and is not afraid to use it and make people look dumb.

The High Evolutionary is one of those villains that is evil, terrifying and has a major God complex. A MAJOR GOD COMPLEX! He has created many beings in the universe or galaxy, but he is a dick. When he got outdone by a racoon, dude went crazy. Well, good thing the Guardians of the Galaxy can stop him at his every turn. Stop looking like RoboCop, you wanna be fool. He was a lot cooler.

Via: Marvel/Walt Disney
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