Villain: The Major

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Read Time2 Minute, 30 Second
Via: Crunchyroll

Who is insane enough to challenge Alucard, the Lord of Darkness, and former Count Dracula? There is only one person insane enough to look Alucard in the face and laugh. That one man is The Major. The Major is the main antagonist and leader of Millennium in the AWESOME anime series, Hellsing Ultimate. He has two goals: to form a vampire army and bring down the Lord of Darkness, once and for all.

The Major is a short, round man with a wide, evil smile that hides his sadistic cruelty. He has metallic grey or blonde hair that is styled with longer section coming up and then down again in the front left side of his head. Hey, you rock that hair style because I don’t know what you are doing with it. He has golden, yellow eyes that pierce through his round glasses. The Major makes sure he is dressed to impress in an all-white suit with a matching overcoat, white gloves, and a black tie. Homeboy be looking SHARP!!!

Via: Crunchyroll

The Major has a unique personality. On one side, he seems like a very calm man who is soft-spoken while speaking in a polite and amused tone. He is usually affable towards his subordinates even when they are dying right in from of him. Underneath that personality is a monster. He openly states his own evil and believes that Millennium has no goals besides death and destruction. What is fascinating about the Major is that he knows he is a monster and a madman. Dude knows he is a psychopath, or any other paths rolled into one. Yet, even as he proclaims himself a monster, he is very proud of being a true human and protective of his own humanity while destroying others. During the fall of Berlin as he was on death’s door from bleeding out, he completely rejected the offer to drink blood and become a vampire. He believes that any monster is beneath being a human and will not jeopardize his humanity. On the other side of the Major’s personality is his love or obsession with war. In a rousing speech, he tells you everything he loves about war. He enjoys it like a kid in a candy story and doesn’t care if he wins or loses. The act of war alone brings ecstasy to him and will do anything to keep war going.

Via: Crunchyroll

The Major is one of the few villains that decided to stand up to the one and only Alucard. The Major is someone that has the charisma to convince a person to join his vampire army and destroy the world and promote war. Even if he has zero abilities, The Major has extraordinary strategic planning and mind to compete with anyone in the Hellsing world.

Via: Crunchyroll
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