Wicked City (1987)

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Read Time6 Minute, 2 Second
Via: Joy Pack Film

Rating: 1 out of 5

Okay, I hit a whole new world of anime-watching. I decided to start watching anime films because they must be honored or respected. I might need to just go back to watching anime series instead. I watched Wicked City, and now I regret watching that film. I should’ve listened to the warning signs. The great YouTube channel, WatchMojo, had a list of the most messed up anime scenes or movies, and this one was on the list with a crazy vagina scene. Hold up a second. Let’s give some respect to the great WatchMojo. You have been a major inspiration for me, and I enjoy your videos. Okay, back to Wicked City. This film is beyond fucked up, and it is over the top with sexuality, being misogynistic, and not having a great story. Welcome to the world of Wicked City.

Via: Joy Pack Film

Wicked City takes place towards the end of the 20th century. For centuries, a secret peace treaty has existed between two worlds: Earth and the Black World. The Black World is a parallel dimension inhabited by shape-shifting, evil-ass-looking demons that harness strange supernatural powers. To protect the citizens against the demon world, a secret police force known as the Black Guard protects the boundary. Peace has ruled until now as the pact is up for renewal. An extremist faction from the Black World wants to do everything possible to ensure the treaty is never signed. In the City of Tokyo, Renzaburō Taki works as a salaryman by day and a Black Guard at night. Late one night, while on a date, he gets his freaky on with a beautiful woman named Kanako. The sex is great until it is revealed that the real Kanako was subdued and replaced by a spider-like doppelgänger with a coochie that has teeth with a mission to kill him. The next day, Taki is assigned to protecting perverted 200-year-old creepy mystic Giuseppe Mayart, a signatory for a ratified treaty. Taki’s day worsens when he learns that he will have a partner who is a Black Guard from the Black World. When Taki goes to the flight that Mayart is on, it gets attacked. Taki is confronted by two radical killers when he is saved by the beautiful fashion model Makie. The attacks increase as the pair tries to protect Mayart at all costs. The question is, will Taki & Makie be able to keep Mayart safe or die in the process?

I’m sorry, but Wicked City is a terrible anime film. It had the potential to be good, but it let itself be taken away by other elements to draw it away from the story. Let’s start off with the plot. I found the plot pretty interesting. Having two worlds at peace with each other is a nice touch for a 1987 film. Yet, there is a faction that wants to destroy that peace. I also like how there is a police force that protects both sides to ensure peace is upheld. The plot has direction as one of the signees with the power to ratify the peace talks is targeted by the evil faction. All that clicks along with pursuing Mayart and trying to kill him. The ending was a little cliché as the main purpose was not to have a signed treaty but for Makie and Taki to get their freak on and birth a new species between them. When Taki was asked if he would be a good dad and commit, Homeboy said he didn’t think he could. He’s pretty ruthless right there, but at least he’s honest.

Via: Joy Pack Film

The anime does a decent job showing attack after attack. The attack on the safe house was a great touch, along with the attack on the highway. The action is one of the highlights of this anime. Watching Taki having to fight against crazy ass demons is entertaining. Sometimes, you think he isn’t going to survive, and it makes you wonder what training he had. Homeboy does this with a powerful gun that seems to blow him back, along with having no body armor. Somehow, he makes it out either with pure luck or needing much-needed help. When he is in the facility looking for Makie, the dude goes wild with his gun. Hell, even the final battle is pretty intense with Mayart. Mayart rolls up on that church like a freakin boss and battles some tentacle-type dude. They both go in with Mayart showing some type of electricity type attack.

The anime falls off with all the sexuality and the misogynistic nature. First, the spider woman scene was crazy. Homegirl coochie was ready to devour Taki, and I’m not talking about his man parts. It straight up had teeth and was about to eat him whole until he got away. The most repulsive scene of the anime was when Makie was captured by the radicals. Taki goes to save her, only for us to watch her being ganged and raped brutally. The noises and images are nothing anyone needs to watch, and I don’t understand why it was put in the film. Was it to show how diabolical the demon world could be? It was way over the top. These scenes really brought down the anime.

The characters are either hit or miss in this anime. Taki is one of those characters that really needs a background to care about. He works as a Black Guard and seems to be a womanizer. He somewhat falls in love with Makie and even gets her pregnant, but he does not feel a long-term commitment. He does say he would protect his child. I wonder how it is going to look.

Via: Joy Pack Film

Makie is a beautiful woman who is a demon from the other side. She seems level-headed, but I want to see her true form. She seemed to put up no fight during her rape scene. Use those long nails, girl, and take out a few of them.

I have seen perverted characters in anime before, but damn, was Mayart taking the cake for me. He was a dirty old man who asked every woman for sex or went to a sex place to get his freak on. He is powerful and seems to have a secret plan in order, but he really threw off the anime.

Wicked City is an anime I would say avoid at all costs, or if you are mature and older, watch it and then throw it away. The plot had potential and was interesting, with a faction trying to destroy the peace talks. The characters are pretty one-dimensional, but the sexuality and the misogynistic behavior really turn this anime off. I would say watch another anime film and be happy. Please don’t enter the world of Wicked City.

Via: Joy Pack Film
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