Rating: 5 out of 5
Let’s give some RESPECT to the first winner of the Academy Award for Best Picture. I will not say anything negative about this film because you must be praised and appreciated when you are the original winner. Honestly, after watching this film, I was amazed by the story and some of the movie shots. This film, a silent picture, was way more entertaining than most films that are out now or made after it.

What is the first-ever winner about? Wings is a romantic action-war picture that deals with three people. Jack Powell (Rogers) and David Armstrong (Arlen) are rivals in every way possible. They both come from the same small town and vie for the attention of the lovely and beautiful Sylvia Lewis (Ralston). As these two bachelors fight over the same girl, Mary Preston (Bow) is majorly in love with Jack. Jack is entirely oblivious to Mary’s feelings. The two decided to enlist and become combat pilots in the Air Service. Before rolling out for training camp, Jack mistakenly believes Sylvia loves him, only for her to tell him she likes David but lets him down easily. Dude was straight-up friend-zoned. Their rivalry hit a breaking point at training camp when the two of them brawl it out. After the fight, the two come to respect each other and become best friends. As WWI breaks out, the two are posted in the same fighter squadron in France. On the other hand, Mary joins the war effort and becomes an ambulance driver. As the three fight in the war, Jack soon builds up a reputation and is called the Shooting Star. The three don’t know that every time one of them flies, it brings them closer to a tragic ending.
Okay, let me get this out of the way. The story is freakin PHENOMENAL! I found the story so entertaining, and it sucks you in as you have to use your own little dialogue with the characters. Watching Jack and David hate each other and then do this intense boxing match. Honestly, they swing for the fences and beat the hell out of each other when they realize they both are cool with each other. Another funny scene before the boking match was when a homeboy says he was Irish and then gets punched by the drill recruiter, who lays him out. The drill instructor calls the man “unconscious.”

The second part of the story is about Jack and David’s time fighting during the war. They realize that the war is a real deal when they meet a dude, and after they fly, they learn that he was killed in action. What I like is that we really see the connection between Jack and David but also what happens to Mary. After a big battle and before going off, Jack is a freakin celebrity, and he is pissed drunk. Mary finds him and brings him back as he keeps saying bubbles. You see her trying to take care of him and undress only to get caught in a bad situation. She is kicked out of the military, which is messed up. Besides all that, the craziest scene is towards the end when David has this freaky look on his face because dude has a vision, and it’s not the best outcome. I want to say the ending is quite cute and romantic as Mary finally gets her man! Yayyy!
When one watches this film, they will be pleasantly surprised with the action scenes and cinematography used. I was honestly like, holy shit! This is actually really good. The reason was because I thought there was no way they could shoot what they did. I mean by this is that the film shows this really nice shot of the planes flying above and seeing out of the pilot’s point of view. You see the aircraft fly through the sky and are amazed that you’re watching a 1927 film. Also, the little scene where they train and you see the little planes fly by is also funny and cute.
The action scenes are FANTASTIC, and I see why this film won the Best Picture award. When the planes are flying during the first battle, the group spot the enemy and the famous count from Germany. Not going to like but the battle and music really bring you in. We see the enemy fire incendiary rounds. The Americans are getting it handed to them as the number two gets shot down. David’s machine gun jams as he can’t fight. What is crazy in the film is that the Germans see this and decide not to fire as they are honorable. Jack is shot down, and his plane does this epic flip over. Homeboy gets out of the plane and hides in a ditch while other fighters shoot at him. The rest of the scene and the battle is insane.

Another scene is when the Germans send a big ass plane with two little planes to blow up a tiny village off the face of the earth. We see Mary and many troops marching into the small time. The US gets word and sends two planes to save their crew. The German planes circle back to ensure the wind is good and then unleash hell. As the bombs go off, Mary hides underneath her truck and manages to survive. The music for the bombing is doom and gloom. Then the two American fighters arrive as they are looking for revenge. The Shooting Star manages to shoot down the enemy in an intense battle. The boys receive a major award with everyone around them.
As far as the cast goes, they were all entertaining, and you seem to have more emotions than anything else. Clara Bow as Mary Preston was beautiful and emotional. She really showed her sadness and happiness when dealing with Jack. Charles Rogers as Jack Powell was entertaining. He was the one that was always with smiles but also felt the pain of war in the end. Richard Arlen as David Armstrong was straight up an ass in the beginning. I really didn’t like him until the end when he changed and had that creepy death look on his face. Also, a young Gary Cooper is in this film, and this movie helped launch his career.
Wings is a pleasant surprise. Even with it being a silent movie, it is highly enjoyable to watch. The action scenes are great, and the scenes of the planes flying are fun to look at. The story is simple but great since this is the first Best Picture winner. Clara Bow, Charles Rogers, and Richard Arlen are great. Watch this movie if it ever comes on TV. You will definitely enjoy it.