Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

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Read Time7 Minute, 32 Second

Year: 2009-2010

Genre: Adventure, Science fantasy

Episodes: 64

Rating: 5 out of 5

The world of alchemy is a fascinating area for many of us. The concept and theory of alchemy have played a significant part in our society, imagination, and entertainment. What is alchemy, and what does some of it entail? Alchemy is an ancient philosophical and scientific practice that was a significant tradition throughout Europe, Egypt, and Asia. The main focuses of alchemy were to convert base metals, like lead, into noble substances like gold, cure any disease imaginable to man, prefect the human body and soul, and finally, create the philosopher stone (mostly in Europe). Definitely need to spend some time in chemistry class and look over the periodic table again. From that fantastic definition, you can guess where Alchemy has presented itself. Whether it is the classic novel of Frankenstein, William Shakespeare’s play, The Tempest, young adult movies like 9 and the Dark Crystal or J.K. Rowling’s novel, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, the influence of alchemy is everywhere.

One of the major sources of alchemy that many books, movies, and plays like to expand upon is the philosopher’s stone. The philosopher’s stone is a legendary substance that has many capabilities. One of its capabilities is turning basic metals into gold. The main capability that many focus on is it is able to extend one’s life (elixir of life), rejuvenate the sick, and achieving immortality. It is usually the most sought-after goal in the world of alchemy. Who wouldn’t want a stone or substance that would make you immortal, followed by turning lead to gold? The endless possibilities of what you can do.

Not only does Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood! use the concept and theory of alchemy and the philosopher’s stone, but it takes it to a whole new level and then some. It makes Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone look like a Saturday morning cartoon show. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood! goes in-depth the consequences, struggle, sacrifice, and ambition of obtaining a legendary substance.


Via: Bones

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood! adapts all of the volumes of the manga. The first series strays away from the original storyline. Like the first one, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood! revolves around the story of the Elric brothers, Edward and Alphonse. The Elric brothers were raised by their mother, Trisha, in a quiet, remote little village of Resembool in the country of Amestris. Their father, a very gifted and talented alchemist, had abandoned his family when the boys were really young. Trisha raised the boys as best she could even when they began to show a high interest in the world of alchemy. As time went on, the boys researched their father’s alchemy notes while Trisha became sicker and sicker. Trisha eventually died of an illness, leaving the brothers devastated. The Elric brothers were soon cared for by their best friend Winery and her grandmother Pinako.

Via: Bones

The brothers travel the world to advance their alchemy training. They meet their teacher Izumi, who is also very sick while hiding a secret. Izumi helps the brothers with their goals. The brothers return home and decide to bring their mother back to life with alchemy. As stated in the opening monologue every episode, human transmutation is a taboo, as it is impossible to do so properly. The brothers attempt this forbidden ritual, and as a consequence, Alphonse’s body is destroyed while Edward loses his left leg. In a desperate attempt to keep his brother alive, Edward sacrifices his right arm to bring Alphonse’s soul back. Edward places his soul in a nearby suit of armor. Winry and Pinako find the brothers. They give Edward an automail prosthetics as he makes a full recovery. The brothers decided to burn their childhood home down, symbolizing their resolve to get back what was taken from them along with the decision of “no turning back.” The brothers head to the capital where they become State Alchemist. Edward passes the State Alchemist exam while given the title the “Fullmetal Alchemist.”

The story revolves around Edward and Alphonse’s quest to discover the legendary Philosopher’s Stone. Along the way, the brothers meet many characters that are in search of the same goal. As the story progresses, the brothers uncover a dark government conspiracy that involves beings, not of this world, and the reason a race was almost wiped of the face of the earth.


Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood! Full “Muthaf*****n” metal Alchemist Brotherhood! By far, if not the best anime in the world. Many anime series can’t hold a candle to this anime. The first Fullmetal Alchemist was good, but Brotherhood puts it to shame.

Via: Bones

What can honestly be said about this anime’s story? The story for Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood is PHENOMENAL! The whole story dealing with the Elric brothers trying to find the philosopher’s stone to get Al’s body back drives the story. The introduction of characters and villains are perfectly placed throughout the anime. One of the things that make this such an awesome anime is the storyline and the way the anime moves through the episodes. It has one of the best storylines ever. The story has the perfect mix of drama, comedy, a serious tone to ultimately a heartwarming ending. I love the fact of how the story isn’t always dark and sad. One second, everyone is sad, and a scene later, you are presented with a joke or situation that will make you laugh out loud. In one full anime, we get love, pain, war, politics, religion, and epic battles. What makes this anime great is that it doesn’t hold back on the deaths of notable characters.

The character development is excellent in the anime. The background stories of the Elric brothers are spot on. Learning the dark path the brothers take to get to the point of where they are at is genuinely eye-opening. The love they have for their mother is what any boys should have while always wanting to see her. The development of their emotions is second to none. Watching Ed holding the weight of the world on his shoulders for what happened to his brother will make you love your own brother. Watching Al fight his inner demons with about not having a real body but always wanting to help his brother is what a little brother should be.

Via: Bones

Other characters in the story are developed and shown in a grand display. Roy Mustang is a true boss. Even though he tries to be a hard a**, he is quite funny with what he does when the situation doesn’t go his way. When he puts on his white glove, and that serious look comes over his face, you know it means all business.

Finally, the villains are all unique in their own way. Naming the villains after the Seven Deadly Sins is a perfect way to develop them. We all have those sins and emotions. Designing each one after their specialty makes them genuinely entertaining and unique. My favorite is Greed and King Bradley (Wrath). Greed cares all about himself and wants the world for himself. That is why he is Greed.

Via: Bones

The animation is flawless in this anime. There is not much more to say about the animation rather than it’s perfect. Ed and Al are drawn with great detail. Even though they are young, you can tell they have been through a lot. Ed has long blonde hair and short, but you see his pain through his automil arm and leg. Al, on the other hand, is drawn as a tin man. Besides a bright and glistening armor, he is drawn with a dull grey appearance. All the fight scenes are spot on with colors from the way Edward makes items with his hand. This is shown with electricity and bright flashes of light. The Gate of Truth is drawn perfectly. A pure white room with a large stone door. When the doors open, black hands spew out. All the characters are drawn amazingly. Each one of the Homunculi is perfectly drawn to their representation. Gluttony is depicted as an obese man, Sloth is drawn as a dimwit, Lust is drawn as a beautiful woman. The creators do a great job changing up the color scheme and tone with tragedy hits. Everything has bright colors when Ed and Al are about, but when a serious situation appears, the colors change to a darker tone. All the fight scenes are beautifully drawn.

This is a must-watch anime, no matter what. Brotherhood is what makes a great anime. It is honestly a top 5 anime easily. It is one of the standards of anime.

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